
fiction (65), philosophy (15), economics (14), comics (7), politics (7), science (6), history (6), Italy (5), biography (4), religion (4), fun (3), law (3), mind (3), globalization (3), crime (2), society (1), climate change (1), war (1), Masterpiece (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Mar 15, 2009
Sobre mi biblioteca
Just three years ago i didn't read anything.
I guess i was a nut. Fortunately university urged me to become more cultivated, so here we are.
I found very useful looking on forums and on LibrayThing itself to discover new readings, collect suggestions, it helped me very much.
Now i hope to give back the favor, if my so-called literary trail could be useful for someone.

Sobre mí
There isn't much to say; i'm a 23 years old student of law. There are a few things i like, books included, a whole lot more i dislike.
Actually i'm pretty worried because i don't know what i'll do after the college, but i suspect that somehow it'll involve the word 'unemployed'.
So it goes.
Europe's embarassing cousin, the banana country, Italy
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