
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is an eclectic mix of books I love, and includes many books written by my friends. Since becoming an author, I've met and befriended the most amazing authors. We all write in different genres and styles, and so, my reading tastes are being challenged and expanded all the time. I enjoy everything: historical, romance, romantic suspense, urban fantasy, historical romance. My advice is to be open minded, and try something new. You just might be surprised.
Sobre mí
Noelle Clark is an Australian author of contemporary romance and historical novels. Her books weave romance, intrigue, and adventure into colourful and often exotic locations around the world. Widely travelled, Noelle uses real life experience of places, culture, and people, as a backdrop to her stories, giving the reader an authentic taste of the location. Her novels feature strong, mature, heroines and heroes, who—often without knowing it—are ready for new beginnings.
She lives close to the sea and shares her home with two cats and two dogs. She has two grown up children, and three very small grandchildren. When Noelle's not writing and travelling, she plays guitar, tends her vegetable garden, enjoys the company of family and friends, and—of course—reading.
Noelle is a member of Queensland Writers Centre; YON Beyond Writing Group; Romance Writers of Australia; and Australian Romance Readers Association, and is currently published by Etopia Press.
Queensland, Australia
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