
unlikely companions (25), storyteller food (23), bibliophilia (20), postapocalyptic fiction (19), fable (19), alternarrative (18), ethics for kids (17), not just for kids (16), hope refill (16), historical fiction (15), bildungsroman (13), philosophical narrative (12), ongoing historical violence (12), shirleyjacksonian suspense (12), violence as contagion (12), copycat crime (11), worldbuilding (11), brains (11), urban fantasy (10), eternal youth books (9), political apocalypse (9), science thriller (9), braided narrative (9), first contact (8), thriller (8), mytheme (6), biologues (6), apopcalypse (6), dystopia (6), transgender character (6), heritage press (6), galatea (6), twist ending (5), allegory (5), extraterrestrial apocalypse (5), environmental apocalypse (4), nuclear apocalypse (4), ghosts (4), dry with a plot twist and dangling question (4), gary stu (4), frame narrative (4), prehistoric fiction (4), underage romance (4), hilarious (4), faith and science (3), antiquarianism (3), can-do (3), power of language (3), neighborliness (3), intergenerational relations (3), future anthropology (3), unreliable narrator (3), dreams deferred (3), the tech percent tyrants (3), not bang but whimper apocalypse (3), epiphanies (3), beauty-beast variant (3), history as backdrop (3), satire (3), blurring story-reality (3), antihero (2), going feral (2), ecological apocalypse (2), ensemble cast (2), theories of time (2), historical cameo (2), steampunk teen (2), tree fiction (2), first novel (2), finneganian exuberance (2), graphic novel (2), greene entertainment (2), satire on everything (2), truly alien (2), franchise apocalypse (2), hardboiled world (2), orbits of shakespeare (2), traditional fantasy (2), religion (2), ireland (2), slipstream (2), island of the flies (2), science fiction series (2), music in fiction (2), metafiction (2), kunstlerroman (2), philosophy of mind (2), civilizations (2), transhumanism (2), neuroscience (2), livin da booksto life (2), being digital (2), and a dog (2), danbrownwannabe (1), token neuroatypical (1), House as a character (1), early speculative fiction (1), love and a goat (1), aren't we metafunny (1), folkloric horror (1), tree nonfiction (1), science pro populi (1), lost notebooks (1), retropaganisms (1), blended format (1), decameroid (1), ominous forests (1), hatin' on cromwell (1), amateur classicist (1), genepunk (1), novel in form of x (1), positive masculine models (1), antiscience warning (1), competing theories (1), racism warning (1), the psychic eighties (1), class blindness (1), when children were people (1), horatioalgerism (1), nonlinear protagonism (1), plausibly naive (1), realistic depression (1), charaxoi (1), VERY late stage capitalism (1), doctor character (1), Libro.fm (1), islands (1), alternarratives (1), derring-do (1), WWI fiction (1), black dogs (1), four elements (1), audiophilia (1), green man (1), sole survivor (1), deus ex machina (1), historic preservation (1), chiaroscuro (1), arcane (1), 20th century history (1), babel (1), books about books (1), postcolonial fiction (1), deep history (1), pirates (1), ontology (1), nautical (1), birds (1), classical studies (1), artists (1), indigenous (1), epistolary (1), kafka in brazil (1), neofeudalism (1), alternate history (1), hyperbolic humor (1), high fantasy (1), brave new world (1), grim humor (1), data loss (1), English children's stories (1), norse mythology (1), Terminus (1), borgesiana (1), astronomy (1), red branch (1), faramir (1), persuasive essay (1), lakota (1), sioux (1), multiple pov (1), iliad (1), ojibwe (1), cryptobiology (1), dry humor (1), what endures (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jun 14, 2013
Nombre verdadero
Nialle Sylvan
Sobre mi biblioteca
Collection as represented here is not organized yet (sorry, I never quite got things together after bailing out of GR) but I add things as I find old friends at the bookshop, read things (mostly via libro.fm and books borrowed from the shop), and stutteringly catalogue the household library. Expect copious literary, ancient, fabulous, and speculative fiction, maybe with responses (nothing so fancy as reviews).
Sobre mí
A tuxedo-patterned Norwegian skogkatt, a dilute tortoiseshell of mysterious origin, a used & rare bookshop, and a classicist are my accomplices on a vague, ongoing mission to edit a 50,000 volume anthology of awesome books. In a proximate universe, I'm Constance de Markiewicz' newest biographer; in another I teach mythology and folklore; but in this one, I'm content to major in everything forever in Iowa City, Iowa.
Iowa City, IA
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