
Spirituality (34), Science (32), Psychology (31), History (31), Western Magick (21), Philosophy (19), Magick (13), Eastern Religious Studies (13), Reference (12), Symbolism (12), Mythology (12), Theory (10), Text Book (9), Esoteric (9), Mind (9), Biology (8), Sex (8), Practice (8), Physics (8), Egypt (7), Occultism (7), Chemistry (5), Math (5), Personal Development (5), Language (5), Astronomy (5), Wicca (4), Greek (4), Comparative Religion (4), Self Development (4), Social Inquiry (3), Ethics (3), Sociology (3), Secret Societies (3), Hinduism (3), French (3), Tarot (3), Tibetan (2), Animals (2), Relationships (2), Politics (2), Comedy (2), Art (2), Buddhism (2), Shambhala (2), Technology (2), Conspiracy Theory (2), Morality (2), Geometry (2), Ritual (2), Thelema (2), Dragons (1), Socialism (1), Paganism (1), Anarchism (1), Therapy (1), 1980s (1), NLP (1), Case Studies (1), 1970s (1), Faeries (1), Hermeticism (1), Kabalah (1), Mummies (1), Light Reading (1), Hallucinogens (1), Barney Stinson (1), Neil Patrick Harris (1), How I Met Your Mother (1), primary source work (1), America (1), Chaos (1), Central America (1), Artificial Intelligence (1), Music (1), DNA (1), Medicine (1), Fiction (1), High Magick (1), 40k (1), Tantric (1), Sex Magick (1), Anatomy (1), Anthropology (1), Religion (1), Human Intelligence (1), Homer (1), Grimoire (1), Druids (1), Qabalah (1), Zen (1), Astrology (1), 1960's (1), Government (1), South America (1), Quantum Physics (1), Drugs (1), Warhammer (1), Yoga (1), Wizardry (1), Cosmology (1), Illustrated (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Apr 10, 2015
Sobre mi biblioteca
This collection is comprised of works mostly pertaining to the realms of spirituality, science and philosophy. Although, there is some variety within the collections. This is our personal library which we are expanding with an eclectic focus. We hope to achieve a well-rounded library that caters to all liberal arts interests.
Sobre mí
This library belongs to Michael and Jessica Martino. Collectively they share a passion for reading, debating, and intellectual pursuits of all kinds. Michael is a philosopher, teacher and marketer. He graduated with his bachelors degree in Media Marketing in 2013. Since then he has put together workshops, short essays and, of course, worked on expanding his collection. Jessica is an avid student with a passion for science, she is currently attending university to complete a bachelors degree in Psychology. Together they hope to someday open their own bookstore, welcome to all those who share their passion for wisdom.
Madison, WI