
Nube de autores
Oct 1, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Mr. Hayday
Sobre mi biblioteca
I seek to build one, and study everything i think would be a valued asset to my range and diversity in topics and theorums, practices and rituals.
Sobre mí
I am a scholar of Ancient Occult and Arcane texts. I have been studying and practicing the Dark Arts for 15 years, and studying about it since I was 10.
I do not like being prevented from reading anything I have a vested interest in. I feel that thye only person who can stop an individual from reading, learning, and practicing is one's self. No other individual can ever truly dictate who is or is not "ready" to read something. Only the individual who desires to read such things can ever truly know. after all, if someone is ill-prepared, the desire to put down the text in question would be very immediate and comprehensive
Durham Region, Canada