
Oct 2, 2015
Nombre verdadero
Marc Anderson
Sobre mí
Marc Anderson grew up in Spring, Texas, just outside of Houston. He attended St. Thomas High School, and went on to study biology and biochemistry at the University of Houston. After earning his undergraduate degrees, Marc spent several years bouncing around graduate programs (and a brief stint in vet school), before returning to the University of Houston and earning his Ph.D. in Cell Biology. The mind numbing title of his dissertation was "An Account of Chemical and Mechanical Regulation of TRPC6 Channels in Podocytes." Unfulfilled with conducting hours of research alone in a room without windows, Marc left science to pursue careers in both writing and web-design. Despite some difficulties, he still believes that this was a wise decision. Marc currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas with his two dogs, Sam and Bruce. He considers himself a pessimistic realist and is a real blast at parties.This is his first attempt at writing a novel.
Fort Worth, Texas
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