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Oct 20, 2017
Nombre verdadero
Angela Gibson
Sobre mi biblioteca
My print books are divided between two different homes, and this drives me crazy because I never know where a book is when I want to read it or review it for a passage or a quote. The third place I keep books is on the apps for Barnes & Noble and for Kindle.

When I document books on Goodreads, LibraryThing, or my notebook, it doesn't matter if I physically own the book or have checked it out from the library.
Sobre mí
Reading is my passion. Other interests include genealogy, quilting, and crocheting. I've lived in the Midwest all of my life, and Minnesota is my favorite state to live in. Other Midwestern states include Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri.

I'm retired, so my reading has increased, which makes me so happy. Loves of my life include my husband, two daughters and their partners, and my Westie.

Learning new things keeps me steady. Lately I've become active on Twitter and Instagram. I've tried Tumblr but find that doesn't update me in as organized a manner as do Instagram and Twitter. I also spend too much time on Pinterest.

I started a blog about my reading life, which is read by a few family members. I'm using that initial blog as practice and hope to segue to a blog that is user friendly, eye catching, and of interest to other readers. It's a joy to connect with other reading lovers and discuss books, and I would like to have a blog that pulls in readers for dialogues about books. I do share book reviews on Goodreads, and I use those reviews to improve my book analysis, to connect with authors, and to compare with other reviews.
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