Nombre verdadero
Louise Waugh
Sobre mi biblioteca
I'm doing this in a somewhat quirky way, as part of an attempt to try and get a grip on my books - why I have them, why I keep them, and which ones can I pass on. Books I consider "reference" including cookbooks and dictionaries and knitting and sewing and language books I'm just adding as I go through them. These are not books one would necessarily have "read" through, but all have been used and deemed useful. Likewise the kids' books - I'm NOT cataloging their collections, but as they outgrow them they give me books to give away and I always end up taking out a few I really want to keep - for fairly nebulous reasons - maybe I'm saving them for grandchildren, maybe I just like looking at the pictures sometimes - and those DO get added as I put them away, tagged kids. All of these I have read (many of them out loud over and over and over). Everything else gets added as it is read, as part of an effort to keep track of my reading on a yearly basis (its somewhat annoying that some books add themselves as a series, so 3 or 5 books only add up to 1 entry. I know I could add them manually, or select another edition, but I just love the color photos on my graphic shelf. Yes, I'm easily amused.) This makes the balance in my collection tilt oddly, but that's how I'm doing it.

January 15, 2011. Now that I've been doing this some years, I find it extremely satisfying to go back and look over what I've read each year. Not that I am satisfied with the amount of reading I've gotten to, but looking at the shelf of covers summons the feel of a particular time very vividly for me, its a wonderful quick-n-easy journal that can take me back to good times on vacation, or even mildly sucky times like a January spent mostly on the sofa drinking tea or whisky with honey and lemon, trying to get over a cough that wouldn't quit.
Sobre mí
Late 40s, 3 kids in Catholic schools, federal employee married 18 years to a federal employee, a couple of barnacles on the ship of state, sailing happily off towards retirement. Several dogs at any given time (currently a geriatric German Shepherd spay and a nutjob Toy Fox Terrier) I cook and sew and knit and garden, and read. Studied Medieval History and classics in school, read geeky sci-fi and fantasy.
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