
Fiction (20), fiction (10), adventure (6), action (5), funny (5), friends (4), realistic fiction (3), rhyming (3), cookie (3), mouse (3), humor fiction (3), family (3), school (3), Realistic fiction (2), heartfelt (2), unlikely friendship (2), Adventure (2), dr. Suess (2), sharing (2), friendship (2), Picture book (2), sister (2), giving (2), emotions (2), learning (2), mom (2), sad (2), wants (2), pig (2), plot twist (2), unique (2), best friends (2), wondering (1), rations (1), Poetry (1), momma (1), fry bread (1), love (1), Seasonal (1), cheerful (1), Comic book (1), Fable (1), laughing (1), First chapter book (1), indigneous (1), nox (1), dream come true (1), what to do (1), reuniting (1), Lazy (1), hears (1), taking (1), no worries (1), age gap (1), selfish (1), helper (1), brothers (1), new things (1), makes (1), pepperoni (1), pratice (1), says (1), clock (1), experiences (1), happy (1), Charlotte (1), elephant (1), anxiety (1), fighting (1), classic (1), easy (1), pictures (1), true events (1), space (1), sox (1), needs (1), goldie locks (1), narrator (1), rachel (1), movie (1), how to (1), president (1), childrens literature (1), story (1), change (1), manners (1), cat (1), dad (1), frightened (1), Fiction picture book (1), main character (1), built friendships (1), thankful for everything you do (1), bear makes (1), auditory learning (1), cant have (1), adventure of the day (1), day to day pigeon and what happens (1), we all are (1), beasts come with the kid (1), show him around (1), become friends (1), mcdonagool (1), grey heffleys adevntures (1), makes everyin happy (1), didnt have friends (1), doesnt know whats wrong (1), doesnt play with friends (1), stripes show up all over (1), funny looks (1), embarred (1), didnt go back (1), adventures they go on (1), miscief they get into (1), attends school (1), has a fun day (1), goes back home (1), hanging birds (1), hanging bats (1), friut fruitbat eats worms (1), flying a rocket (1), Fiction. Good fortuanutes and bad fortunates. (1), embarress (1), doesnt leave couch (1), different stories (1), what ifs (1), dumbeldore (1), text bubbles (1), children love (1), comparing (1), public humiliation (1), the stories (1), sudden change (1), blue truck (1), mixture (1), gives (1), couch potato (1), what happens next (1), new name (1), peeves (1), never returning (1), inaguration (1), living life and kids (1), Lyrical picture book (1), what she sees and does (1), zooming through the neighborhood (1), always hungry for more (1), eats everything (1), same personalities (1), a collection of sorts (1), off guard (1), different events (1), crazy tasks (1), I will have the student write a paragraph of a time they felt helpless in our class and how they overcame it. (1), I choose this book because it shows growth in the student's disability and recognizing that she wasn't dumb and it was okay to ask for help. This will help students who feel like they don't know how to read and might have dyslexia and can relate to the ch (1), realistic. fiction (1), flying bats (1), sleigh (1), toy maker (1), gator (1), introduction (1), dog (1), disabilities (1), ross (1), intelligent (1), dreaming (1), sailing (1), crazy (1), lion (1), voice (1), dream (1), new ideas (1), flying (1), turkey (1), found (1), greed (1), imagination (1), silly (1), tv show (1), pollution (1), birds (1), planet (1), heartwarming (1), cooking (1), connections (1), bears (1), food (1), weather (1), room (1), opinion (1), poetry (1), corruption (1), pizza (1), Realistic Fiction (1), women (1), us (1), friendships (1), broom (1), beloved (1), earth (1), grief (1), historical fiction (1), dragon (1), share (1), fire (1), art (1), garbage (1), culture (1), smart (1), brother (1), America (1), elf (1), discovery (1), lost (1), witch (1), nightmare (1), people (1), shock (1), box (1), courage (1), eating (1), letters (1), mischief (1), growth (1), spider (1), paint (1), junkyard (1), making (1), native american culture (1), crayons (1), creations (1), thanks (1), alliteration (1), mother and son (1), animal sounds (1), quit (1), bats (1), pigeon (1), telling (1), walks (1), old lady (1), wonders (1), captured (1), cow (1), plot twists (1), roar (1), fun (1), sleepy (1), save (1), biscuit (1), school bus (1), joey (1), comedy (1), Wilbur (1), chicken pox (1), young artists (1), fun stories (1), home (1), potential (1), escaped (1), sounds (1), sick (1), monica (1), based on (1), saved (1), tacos (1), diversity (1), greatness (1), exciting (1), determination (1), special (1), nasa (1), santa (1), toad (1), playful (1), caught (1), bedtime story (1), crying (1), phoebe (1), string (1), bus (1), student library (1), bear (1), play (1), humor (1), halloween (1), scarecrow (1), seasons (1), capture (1), paths (1), expression (1), goodnight (1), warming story about twight and what happens (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 19, 2021