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Nov 24, 2014
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I love to read vintage horror books, especially by popular authors. Vintage horror is one of my favorite things because to me, its much scarier than modern horror due to the fact that it uses ideas to convey disturbing concepts rather than mindless gore and such to shock the reader. Instead, it gives concepts that leave you disturbed for hours, or days even, after you have read the book, because your mind must grapple with the concept that such an idea exists.

I also like indie christian romances. A bit different from vintage horror, yes, but I love the way most of these types of books (indie christian romance) don't over-sexualize the relationship. A good many a time, these books have interesting plots that one might not have thought, and often they display intimate and deeply romantic relationships. Other than that, if its clean romance without the christian aspect, I will read it.

Other subjects/concepts/ideas I like to read about are culture, the trope where an underdog wins, the trope where a prideful person learns to be less prideful/goes through a hardship, and generally anything that has an interesting character dynamic. Most of the books I find interesting deal with non-cliches and rarely do I ever read non-fiction
Sobre mí
I'm just a person who likes person things and books.
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