
parenting (38), breastfeeding (36), mothering (22), child development (17), food (15), nutrition (15), cooking (13), child health (12), new baby (11), la leche league (10), attachment parenting (10), birth (10), children's book (7), women's health (7), mental health (7), sleep (7), self-esteem (6), resilience (6), nighttime parenting (5), families (5), family bed (5), pregnancy (5), safe bedsharing (5), childbirth (4), weaning (3), support (3), toddler (3), baby (3), mother care (3), working (3), fathering (3), depression (3), midwifery (2), child safety (2), starting solids (2), spirited child (2), children's cooking (2), multiples (2), cosleeping (2), relactation (2), ina may (2), child discipline (2), twins (2), humour (2), play (2), sleeping (2), high need child (2), community (2), preschool (2), babies (2), adoption (2), education (2), birth partner (1), la leche league founders (1), listening (1), girls (1), la leche league history (1), planning a family (1), child fitness (1), toilet learning (1), galactagogues (1), children's books (1), nursing two (1), dr. jack newman (1), postpartum depression (1), health reform (1), l'allaitement (1), caesarean prevention (1), vaginal birth after caesarean (1), travelling with children (1), caesarean birth (1), VBAC (1), toddler nursing (1), birth choices (1), breast reduction (1), PND (1), pnd (1), milk supply (1), children (1), organizational skills (1), baby death (1), miscarriage (1), triplets (1), homemaking (1), health (1), nursing (1), communication (1), surgery (1), fertility (1), disabilities (1), obstetrics (1), text (1), grieving (1), research (1), myths (1), learning (1), loss (1), adolescent (1), premature baby (1), home birth (1), at-home parenting (1), postnatal depression (1), breast health (1), cartoons (1), tandem nursing (1), vaccines (1), solids (1), allergies (1), vaccination (1), attachment (1), communication skills (1), literature (1), new mother (1), fitness (1), infants (1), home schooling (1), post-natal depression (1), crying (1), dr. newman (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Apr 3, 2010
Sobre mi biblioteca
Books about breastfeeding, mothering, fathering, child development, weaning, nutrition and wellness, pregnancy, birth and more.
Sobre mí
La Leche League Winnipeg West is a La Leche League group that meets in Winnipeg once a month. This list is (most of) our library that is available for mothers to borrow.

We also have some DVDs, but so far we can't put them on LibraryThing!
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