Nombre verdadero
Terje Rye Korsvik
Sobre mi biblioteca
I'm a collector and appreciator of Scandinavian editions of publications published by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, International Bible Students Association, Tower Publishing Co. and so on.

I have several hundred different publications in my shelves so far, but still my collection is rather small. Collecting Watchtower publications in these languages is quite a challenge, but an interesting and giving one.

Watchtower publications in Norwegian, Dano-Norwegian, Danish or Swedish are hard to come by, so my collection consists of quite a few in the original language, too — English.

In addition to my favourite Publishing house, I also spend a small fraction of my time collecting original works from offshots / splinter groups.
Sobre mí
Male, 50. I have quite a few hobbies, but my library is the one that takes the most of my spare time.
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