
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
My actual physical library is spread throughout my house, until my bookshelves are purchased and installed. I will buy more copies of books to have matching covers. I have the signed hardcovers of A Song of Ice and Fire (George RR Martin), and paperbacks that I lend out. I keep every book I read. I love signed books, and will buy them in the used bookstore if I can find them. I used to be a book snob, and not shop second hand. I can't afford all new books all the time. I kissed my Feast For Crows (GRRM) goodnight while I was reading it. I have been known to hug my bookcase.
Sobre mí
I am 25, married, anal about my books, on a health kick, involved in my church, the oldest daughter in my family, a Mary Kay consultant, pretty smart, an administrator by career, messy, in love, addicted to Dr. Phil.

I like Rob, all my books to match, grape tomatos, easy meals, Diet Coke, roses, organic coffee, being in control, having all my ducks in a row, red lipstick, stiletto heels, sarcasm, Hana, stationary in general, my job, shopping, ginger candy.
The Great White North
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