MiembroKDKwriter(whatever you're comfortable with)

Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca

My choices are heavy with historical fiction, science fiction, writers from places I've never been, and anything else I enjoyed reading. I'm interested in what happened, what's possible, and what's out there. I also like the clarity of most young adult fiction. (This may be an artifact of my decades of teaching and working with young people.)
Special note: Being a complete narcissist, I've included my own books and stories. Please don't mistake these listings for recommendations.

Sobre mí

Recovering exceptional children's teacher, community college English instructor, and mental health community support counselor. (Also too many part-time jobs between 1970 and 1985 to list.) These days I mostly sit and write things.
Forty-three years married to one woman, father of three (four, counting in-law), and grandfather of one.
Interests include studying history (and undoing the propaganda I was taught in the '50s and '60s), well written fiction, mindless action movies, watching children and grandchildren figure out the world around them, and driving slowly in the left lane with my right turn signal on.

34° 16' 28'' N, 77° 51' 6'' W