Nombre verdadero
Judith James
Sobre mi biblioteca
Everything in my library is a 5 star book to me. They are some of the books on my keeper shelf. Some I use over and over again for research, some changed my thinking in significant ways, and some gave me so much pleasure I go back to them every couple of years.
Sobre mí
I've tried several jobs over the years. I've worked as a legal assistant, trail guide, and for several years as a counselor. My personal journey has taken me from coast to coast, to Europe,and even to the Arctic. I love music, reading, and traveling to new places, and I'm trying to learn to play the fiddle. My stories combine a love of history and adventure with a keen interest in the complexities of human nature, and the heart’s capacity to heal. My debut novel, BROKEN WING, won IPPY Gold for Romance,while HIGHLAND REBEL was one of B@N's Books of the Year.I have recently signed for 3 books with HQN, the first a 17th century love story titled LIBERTINE'S KISS, inspired by King Charles II's court poet Lord Rochester, will be released August 1st, to be followed by THE KING's COURTESAN in the spring of 2011. PLease feel free to make friends on Facebook, or visit me at my website. I am always happy to meet new people.
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