
Sobre mi biblioteca
Working in a book store (Borders) and relying on public transport has done absolute wonders for my reading career and LibraryThing seems like a great way to keep track of everything I have read and books I would like to read. You know what it's like- you read something, absolutely love it, are raving about it to all your friends, but then two weeks later the three books you have read since have pushed it out of your mind and you find yourself forgetting what it was you were reading just a mere two weeks ago.
And even more frustrating is forgetting all the books that are on my ever growing mental list of 'Books I keep on meaning to read but never do'.
So hopefully LibraryThing will alleviate many of these problems.
Sobre mí
I live in Melbourne, Australia, and work in a book store while completing my last year of a teaching degree at Monash Uni. I will teach History and English, and I guess you can say they are my two great loves - History and reading. I got a dog last year, Bonny the beautiful pug/jack russell, and I love her to death. She loves reading with me too, snuggled warmly by my side.
Melbourne, Australia

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