
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mí
I love reading, animals, nature and interesting (weird) people. Anything extra-ordinary attracts me. Books are my passion and I always spend a fortune on them when Im in a bookstore. I especially love libraries and second hand bookshops. I have various animals and I grew up on a farm where my parents still live today. Its thanks to my dad that I love books so much. Ive been reading and loving animals since I can remember. Music is my second passion and like my books, a lot of different genres attracts me. I listen to anything from country to metal. Im a "random" person with weird ideas and thoughts. I write poetry, short stories and I draw and paint. Embroidery,knitting, chrochet and painting are also included in my hobbies section.
South Africa

Actividad reciente

Jasmyn reseñó, valoró, añadió
Jasmyn reseñó, valoró, añadió
Jasmyn reseñó, valoró, añadió

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