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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores
Sep 14, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is something that has been mish-mashed together for about 22 years. Things have been added, and things have disappeared (either by choice or by gnomes). I have a lot of books related to fairy tales, old poetry, history, film and foreign languages.

Also recently I seem to be collecting textbooks.

I'll be adding books to here as time permits. (College is taking first priority)
Sobre mí
I think something that says a lot about me is the blue stained-glass seagull hanging on my wall. I look at it quietly all of the time.

I'm into beautiful things whether they are simple or complex.

Another thing that says a lot about me is that when I move, books are the first thing to factor into how big of a space I need.

Conexiones de miembros
