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Jun 28, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Jack Cesar Booth
Sobre mi biblioteca
My favourite authors of recent past would be both Blaise Cendrars and Samuel Beckett. I suppose they are opposite in the way they write but in my opinion the two different areas they had chosen to live and work in are both exciting.
Sobre mí
I am twenty years old, last year i flew 22,000 miles from Perth, Western Australia, to Paris to stay at Shakespeare and Co bookshop.

Every writer, film maker, painter, musician that I have found I have had to find myself. I have never been encouraged. I live in the most isolated city in the world.

I would like to teach aswell as write so that English doesn't seem the bore it did to me and most others in my class at school.

I did not like school, hated books and got the boot in year 11. Now I prefer books to most people. I have a strict routine by the day in which I write for four hours in the morning until 12. I eat lunch and watch a Bergman film, I like watching them over and over. At 1.30 pm I turn of the film and read until 5pm. I then go for a walk, get back home at 6pm and have dinner. I read until 10pm and then look at paintings that I've saved in seperate files on my computer. 11pm-12pm Bergman film. Lights out.

If I do not keep to this routine I will not become the writer I want to be, or see the way I want to see with my eyes.

Because I did not finish school I have had to wait until I am at mature age to apply for university by sitting an exam. I begin at UWA in February 2011.
Perth, Western Australia