Nombre verdadero
Joseph Paul Wyatt
Sobre mi biblioteca
About 700-800 even though I try to cull out a bunch every so often to donate to the local public library.
Sobre mí
I am a former journalist and federal government worker now retired in Florida who has enjoyed reading from an early age (Thoreau and Graham Greene). My interests are eclectic; but I probably favor classic and literary novels, short stories, poetry, philosophy, humor, genealogy, local history, and world literature. I like to discover new authors who have something relevant to say. I lean toward iconoclasts (Cioran and Pessoa) and experimenters (Henry Green and Borges, e.g.). Current favorites include W.G. Sebald and M.F.K. Fisher. I also like detective stories (John D. MacDonald, Ramond Chandler, etc.). Because of my ancestry, I have collected a lot of works by Irish authors. Although I prefer fiction over non-fiction, I have collected a fair number of non-fiction titles, as well. What else? Well, I have tried books on audio tape because of bad eyes, but it's not the same. I like to savor the words in print, rereading particularly felicitous phrases and speaking aloud favorite poems.
Hernando, FL (USA)