
to-read (4), a maters student and (1), Simon & Schuster (Australia) (1), but I am sure fans of romance will love it.Thank you (1), this book wasn’t for me (1), it is predictable. The dialogue was uninspiring and repetitive.Overall (1), and social media influences were well handled.Some twists keep you turning the pages but overall (1), the usual nasty girl of reality shows. She turned out to be nice but with her own agenda for the future.Themes of racism (1), we get the action behind the scenes with the other girls and the production crew.I felt most of the characters lacked depth and Dylan a little too perfect. Cece was a strong character and the character I did like was Lily (1), all the eliminated girls must stay in lock-down together. The producers agree to introduce a new aspect to the show where Cece and Dylan are to demonstrate men and women can be friends without romantic notions. As the segments are filmed they discover the (1), intelligent and sensitive. He is also the first coloured Romeo.Cece is eliminated in the first episode but because of the pandemic (1), and the pay given to the competitor as well as social media fame after the show is her only hope.Romeo for the show is Dylan. He’s good-looking (1), only has herself to rely on. Merry Me (1), not having family (1), she has lost her job due to Covid and is unable to pay her share of the rent. She is now 26 (1), mental health (1), that is to find love.In Cece’s case (1), they decide to submit entries for the show. She is the only one of the three selected to be one of the Juliets hoping to win the heart of Romeo.Like most of the Juliets selected she is not there for the right reasons (1), a little drunk on vodka pineapples (1), Juliet. One evening (1), shares a home with her two best friends. They are all huge fans of the reality show Marry Me (1), but I have seen enough to be familiar with the format. It has also been years since I have read a romance novel. I accepted this book for review with the hope it would be a light read and an interesting insight into the way reality shows are presented. He (1), I don’t watch reality TV (1), Cece (1), NetGalley (1), robinson (1), albrecht (1), Juliet (1), and Jodi McAlister for the ARC. All thoughts are my own.My rating 3* but this is a personal viewpoint and I sure fictional romance lovers will enjoy it. (1)
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Nov 1, 2013
Nombre verdadero
Pamela King
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library is very varied. It includes some of the books on my bookshelves at home and books I have reviewed for some great Indie authors.
Sobre mí
Pamela King is the author of Merigal Dingoes, For the Love of a Dingo and Angel with Drumsticks.

She is President of the Wollondilly Branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers and a member of the FAW State Committee.

Her autobiographical stories Dingo Ambassador, Sassy and My Tuesdays were selected for inclusion in three consecutive issues of Seniors Stories (2017 – 2019) produced by the NSW Government.

Two stories and a poem were selected for publication in Writers of Wollondilly Anthology 2018.

She spent many years as a volunteer dingo handler, sponsor, promotions officer and board member with the Australian Native Dog Conservation Society (Merigal Dingo Sanctuary)

Pamela has a Diploma of Tourism (Operations Management). She was a tourism and events consultant and taught Tourism and Customer Service in vocational colleges.

In addition to her writing, she is a blogger, reviewer, dingo lover and doting grandmother.

She has always been a keen reader. Her personal reading material is selected from a variety of genres as you will see by her growing book reviews page.

She is passionate about dingoes, the most maligned and misunderstood native animal in Australia. Having published two books on the topic, dingoes are also the subject of a biography she is currently writing. Please visit the My Books page for more information.
Sydney Australia
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