
Feb 9, 2012
Nombre verdadero
Douglas Smith
Sobre mí
I am an award-winning Canadian writer of fantasy and science fiction, whose fiction has appeared in thirty countries and twenty-four languages around the world. I've twice won Canada's Aurora Award, and have been a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award, the Sunburst Award, the CBC's "Bookies" award, and France's Prix Masterton and Prix Bob Morane. I have three published collections of short fiction: CHIMERASCOPE (ChiZine, 2010), IMPOSSIBILIA (PS Publishing, 2008), and (in French) La Danse des Esprits (Dreampress, 2011). In 2010, an independent short film based on my story "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" toured indie festivals in North America, picking up several awards. Another indie film based on my story "State of Disorder" is shooting in 2012.
Toronto, Canada
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