Nombre verdadero
Denise Alvarado
Sobre mi biblioteca
My library contains books I have authored and books that I love from a variety of genres and disciplines.
Sobre mí
I am a ritual artist and author living up to the description of "Disruptive Innovator" - a term coined by my alama mater who encourages their students to be movers and shakers - to be agents of change - to create a ripple of positive energy from our little corner of the world and watch it spread far and wide. Both my writings and my art tend to provoke a dichotomy of emotions in people who witness them - folks seem to either love me or hate me. It's all good - lovers, haters, curious observers, and seekers - all are welcome to witness my work. I am led by spirit to create art and to describe and record my life experiences as a woman growing up in the Hoodoo capitol of the World, New Orleans, Louisiana. That said, my life experiences are by no means limited to New Orleans as I have been all over the world and currently call Arizona my home.

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