
Jan 8, 2015
Nombre verdadero
Dustin Bilyk
Sobre mi biblioteca
I rate and review most indie published books and small press authors. I support the little guys, and only dabble in the odd best-seller when I'm trying to find out what the "kids" are reading these days. You'll find my tastes are mainly fantasy and sci-fi, but I'm not afraid to explore other genres based on recommendations. Thanks for reading!
Sobre mí
Growing up in small-town Canada with not a whole lot on the go, my love of reading fantasy came at a very young age. I was through my tenth reading of Tolkien before most kids were putting down their Goosebumps, and the addiction never really stopped.

As for my writing, I have been somewhat of a closet writer for a good ten or so years, writing diaries, terrible poems (so so bad), and short fiction and then stashing it away where no one could find it. No one ever did, and I was grateful, and still am, because most of it is truly terrible.

But that allowed me to grow as a writer, mature and get better, and ever since I came out of my writing closet a few years back, I believe a whole new stage of growth has begun - one where I am inviting criticism by sharing my work.

And that leads me to my newest piece of literature, my first novel: Tournament of Hearts. It's the first installment of The Librarian Gladiator series, one that I have been envisioning and piecing together for years now, and I hope to have the second book out by the end of 2015.

If you enjoy the imagination of Tolkien, the brutishness of Joe Abercrombie and the simplicity of Stephen King, I believe you will like my writing. If you don't like any of those writers, well then forget what I said about my style, and just forge on ahead with my novel anyway! Because while many writers aspire to be like our favourite authors, most of us never truly get there. That's the beauty of writing - we're all different, and I believe you'll find that out with my own writing, be it good or great!
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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