Nombre verdadero
Sobre mí
I want to travel. I like beer. I wish I could drink martinis but vodka makes me sick. I like food, especially Italian and Japanese. I could live off sushi. I adore sitting in a coffee shop and reading all day. My best friend is my little sis. I love music. I want to learn to play the guitar. I love to read- my favorite books are definitely fantasy-Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings- and classics- Anna Karenina, anything by Jane Austen. I love to shop although I wish I had the patience for thrift stores- I just can't stand to dig for hours. My favorite store is the grocery store. I hate my job- its the most bored I have ever been. I can't wait to have a career that I am passionate about. I'm obsessed with politics. I'm a retired roller derby player and an aspiring aerialist.
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Librerías: A Room of One's Own, Avol's Bookstore, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - East Towne Mall, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - West Towne Mall, Frugal Muse Books, Half Price Books - Essex Square, Rainbow Bookstore Co-op, Shakti, The University Book Store

Bibliotecas: DeForest Area Public Library, Madison Public Library - Alicia Ashman Branch, Madison Public Library - Central Library, Sun Prairie Public Library

Otro: Wisconsin Union Theater, Olbrich Botanical Garden, WisCon 2008, Chazen Museum of Art (formerly Elvehjem Museum of Art), Wisconsin Book Festival 2010, Overture Center for the Arts

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