Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
It's a rather eclectic mix of classic literature, modern fiction, YA and children's fiction, history, travel, religion and spirituality, and other assorted nonfiction. Since I work at a library, I'm trying to be more selective about what I buy and keep, but I still keeping adding more books and more bookshelves. I don't list anything that I have set aside for BookCrossing (currently over 800 titles registered), as those books aren't in my possession for long.
Sobre mí
I'm 36, living in Georgia with my husband, Mike and our cat, Jack. I'm originally from Newfoundland, Canada but have travelled quite a bit and ended up in the US where I met my husband. I'm an avid reader and writer, and also enjoy outdoorsy-type things like camping, biking, running and hiking. I have a severe case of wanderlust and love to travel. I'm an intermittent Bookcrosser and I keep a book blog called A Life in Books where I keep track of what books I've been reading and other assorted book-related musings. I also work at a public library, so between one thing or another, I'm pretty much surrounded by books 24/7 - and that's just the way I like it!
Sharpsburg, GA USA
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