
fantasy (25), science fiction (19), indie (15), military sci-fi (13), dark fantasy (10), strong world-building (9), swords & sorcery (7), female protagonist (7), Kane (5), political fantasy (5), george martin (5), omnibus (5), epic fantasy (4), urban fantasy (4), dragons (4), high fantasy (4), serrano (3), thriller (3), cool magic system (3), wizards (2), horror (2), detective (2), jim butcher (2), hard-boiled (2), dresden files (2), harry dresden (2), vorkosigan (2), starfire (2), male protagonist urban fantasy (2), first chosen (1), m todd gallowglas (1), alternate world (1), second in trilogy (1), period fiction (1), spin-off (1), pseudo-science (1), jack vance (1), technothriller (1), tears of rage (1), the Witcher (1), translated (1), member giveaway (1), Reza Gard (1), awesome premise (1), dimensional physics (1), end of trilogy (1), first person POV (1), alternate-Earth (1), recluce (1), YA (1), unforgiving (1), the walking dead (1), star rigger (1), fantasy elements (1), Christian themes (1), dahak saga (1), pacific northwest (1), dying earth (1), brilliant prose (1), heroic fantasy (1), undead (1), swords and sorcery (1), male protagonist (1), apocalypse (1), hero's journey (1), graphic novel (1), spiritual (1), romance (1), aliens (1), science fantasy (1), nonfiction (1), action adventure (1), action (1), alternate reality (1), scifi (1), supernatural (1), near-future (1), space opera (1), david weber (1), brutal (1), honorverse (1), military fantasy (1), halloween (1), mystery (1), androids (1), government conspiracy (1), ice and fire (1), folk tale (1), collaboration (1), Lovecraftian (1), short story collections (1), string theory (1), quantum physics (1), zombies (1), steampunk (1), gaming (1), eisengoth (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jul 29, 2011
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