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Mar 26, 2019
Nombre verdadero
Christina Goebel
Sobre mi biblioteca
Oh, my library. I had always dreamed of filling my walls with books and for some time I did, though moving a few times forced my hand to share with the local secondhand book stores. Books weigh a lot. I have traveled the U.S. quite a bit since 2015, so most of my long-term books are in storage. I kept The Great Gatsby with my handwritten notes. I used to have a mean Gatsby jeopardy for my students when I was an English teacher. They loved it. I also kept The Complete Works of William Shakespeare with my notes written within all through the histories. Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton is there and it's one of the best books I've read. Dashiell Hammet is there with The Maltese Falcon. Ah you wonder about modern ones? My library always has anything by Nicholas Sparks, Julia Quinn, Linda Goodnight, Dave Barry, and Mitch Albom. I have Betty Neels books that have kept me through many tough times. They are like family and I have read her books every year since I was eleven. I was the fourth generation of women in my family to read Neels' books. Don't let anything in my library surprise you. I'm quite eclectic.
Sobre mí
Hi Everyone,
I am a reader and writer, like many of you here. I have always loved books and libraries and look forward to the interactivity of books in the future when they will have videos and music. Fun!

I have read thousands of books but have only written a few, two of which are published: the dystopian science fiction epic fantasy Birth Right: Galak's Rising, which is on pre-sale as I write, and the self-help book GoldenHeart: How to Love Humanity.

Below is my formal bio, just so you can see what's on my most recent book cover, lol. ~Christina

Christina Goebel, M.A., was born in Texas and is a former secondary English teacher and statewide disability conference planner. When she began college, her goal was to earn a degree to be respected as a writer. She earned an associate degree in World Literature from Miami-Dade Community College, a bachelor's in Secondary English Education from Florida International University, and a master's in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.

Since her father was a computer programmer, Christina developed a curiosity about artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Christina is married and has son and a German Shepherd. Her son designed the book cover for BIRTH RIGHT: GALAK’S RISING. Christina's an avid traveler and has a read a part of a book most days of her life.

www.lovegoldenheart.com Twitter: @lovegoldenheart
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