Sobre mí
After an early life characterized by uprooting and then exile to a boarding school in France at age eleven, Charles McCormack began a relatively random quest for happiness and meaning. Along the way, he made many mistakes and failed at many things, but continued to persist. Finally, he found his way to the field of psychology and clinical social work, obtaining a masters degree in each. He had finally found his form of intelligence.

McCormack became the Senior Social Worker of Long-term inpatient services and a member of the Teaching and Supervisory Faculty at Sheppard-Pratt psychiatric hospital. Subsequently, he became Guest Faculty of the Washington School of Psychiatry, and Clinician of the Year of the Maryland Society of Clinical Social Work. He published articles and a book on the treatment of difficult to treat couples: Treating Borderline States in Marriage: Dealing with Oppositionalism, Ruthless Aggression, and Severe Resistance. In 2016 he published the first of many versions of what is today entitled As Happy as I Can Stand, the story of his coming to awareness of how he was impeding his own capacity for happiness and fulfillment. Although As Happy as I Can Stand received glowing reviews, McCormack undertook a major rewrite so extensive that he published it as a stand-alone book and not as part of the series. This book, based on Joseph Campbell's concept of the Hero with a Thousand Faces, is entitled Essence. Today, McCormack maintains a part-time private practice of individual and couples therapy in Maryland, is married with nine grandchildren, and spends his free time writing, pursuing photography, boating and traveling.
Aberdeen, Md