Nombre verdadero
Cathryn Grant
Sobre mí
Cathryn Grant's psychological suspense fiction reveals the motives and desires that lead to suburban crime. Her Suburban Noir novels, ghost story novellas, and short fiction have been described as "making the mundane menacing".

Her fiction has appeared in Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazines and been anthologized in The Best of Every Day Fiction. Her short story, "I Was Young Once", received an honorable mention in the 2007 Zoetrope All-story Short Fiction contest.

She's the author of over thirty novels. See her website for a complete list.

When she's not writing, Cathryn reads, walks on the beach, and plays golf while trying not to hit her ball in the sand or the water. She lives on the Central California coast with her husband and cat, Cleopatra. Visit her website at
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