
Dec 13, 2011
Nombre verdadero
Cassian Brown
Sobre mí
I was born in London in 1957 and grew up on the Isle of Ischia off Naples and in New Zealand. I have lived most of my adult life in Sydney, Australia.
I am a newspaper and magazine sub-editor, and have also worked as a farmhand, roofer, cleaner, dishwasher, wine waiter, armoured-van guard and cheese-truck driver.
While a lover of science fiction since my wonder years, I read a range of styles. With my own writing I find myself blending SF with other genres. I am the author of the SF horror-adventure novel "Baxter Mariah" and of the SF conspiracy thriller "Ave Judas". Both are 2011 publications.
My next project, "The Peacekeepers", is a SF military mystery. Unusually, it has two prologues, one describing an atrocity on an Earth-like planet, the other the robbery of a pearl exhibition on Mars. Its protagonist is an ex-tank commander and revolutionary hero who conducts his investigation of the pearl fair robbery in the face of mounting troubles. He has been summonsed to appear at a truth and reconciliation commission hearing where he fears his own wartime secret, his part in a slaying on Mars, will be revealed, he is being stalked by a psychotic ex-fiancee and his dog is battling through a bad pregnancy.
Even more unusual will be its manner of creation, via a website to be launched at Christmas. All will be revealed soon - if you are at all curious, "follow" me on Twitter.
A few personal details: I live in a very multicultural part of Sydney with my wife, Jie, and Bobo, a spirited and happy PomChi (a Pomeranian-Chihuahua cross) who, at the time of writing, is not pregnant. We regularly visit the South Coast of New South Wales.
Sydney, Australia
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