
Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Jun 15, 2016
Nombre verdadero
Carol Victoria Husa
Sobre mi biblioteca
My home library may not all fit on here (LOL), and is extremely unorganized--books stacked in closets, hidden beneath beds, stashed in boxes in the attic and tucked into wicker baskets in the kitchen (cookbooks!), and, yes . . . some ARE showcased within actual bookshelves! It's an entertaining mix of primarily suspense novels, writing books, cookbooks, pet books, game books, and did I mention self-help books? Now if I can just find one that will assist me in controlling this book-buying obsession . . .
Sobre mí
I'm a self-published thriller/suspense author with two novels currently on Amazon. I love writing in this genre as I've always loved READING it, and have a tendency to weave in some romance (who doesn't love "Love"?)as well as a touch of humor. (Gotta laugh every now and then--not so hard that you'll tumble from the edge of your seat, though. ;-)) I live in Northeast Ohio with my fiance and three rambunctious cats, all of whom were rescues. (Not sure about my fiance--you'll have to ask him.) I also love to try new recipes and spend time with those darling little hellions that manage to bring a bit of heaven to my every day.
Northeast Ohio

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