Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
My book collection charts my life; whatever topic or place I was interested in at a particular period -- there is a book to reflect it. But over the years I've had to part with many books. My biggest book-shedding regret is giving away! my autographed copy of Erica Jong's, "Fanny Hackabout Jones" - the funniest book I've ever read. My local library cooperative, BCCLS, can get practically any book I want to read, so I no longer buy books regularly. My home collection consists mainly of:

1) Books acquired during my 20s to 40s (1970s - 1990s)
2) Books about places and regions I have visited.
3) Used books purchased for pennies at charity sales.

At a used book sale in March 2009 I was startled to spot about 20 books from the 1960s that I own -- the very same editions -- all lined up TOGETHER on a table. It was as if I had died and was looking at my own books that had been donated/discarded en masse by my heirs. This was the final day of the sale so it was deflating to realize that "my books" (carefully saved over a lifetime) were of no interest to buyers. It gave me a new perspective on saving books!
Sobre mí
My Favorite Books by Age (Those I can remember)
- Also on the list: every biography I ever read

Age 04: Perry
Age 09: Flood Friday
Age 14: How to Stay Alive in the Woods
Age 15: To Kill a Mockingbird
Age 15: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Age 16: Hawaii
Age 16: The Fires of Spring
Age 16: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Age 17: The Return of the Native
Age 18: Gone With the Wind
Age 19: Look Homeward, Angel
Age 20: The Hesiod
Age 21: Of Time and the River
Age 22: Two Years Before the Mast
Age 24: Ragtime
Age 25: Complete Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor
Age 27: Darwin and the Beagle (Moorehead)
Age 27: An American Tragedy
Age 28: Sister Carrie
Age 29: Deliverance
Age 30: The Raj Quartet
Age 30: Lolita
Age 31: Deliverance
Age 32: Fanny [Hackabout Jones]
Age 35: The Woodlanders
Age 37: White Nile
Age 38: Les Miserables
Age 40: The Golden Gate
Age 43: The Fur Country
Age 45: Undaunted Courage
Age 48: Southern Daughter
Age 50: The Awakening Land Trilogy
Age 51: In the Heart of the Sea: Tragedy of the Whale Ship Essex
Age 52: Evangeline
Age 55: Over the Edge of the World
Age 56: Manhunt: The 12-day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
Age 57: The Official Boy Scout Handbook, 1931
Age 58: The Woman in White

In 2008 I retired from a long career as a librarian in a corporarion and other jobs. At present I'm enjoying working only part-time as a reference librarian at a state college in northern New Jersey.
Glen Rock, New Jersey
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