
français (15), académique (13), théorie (12), sciences sociales (11), sociologie (9), media studies (9), manga (8), réception (8), social sciences (8), globalisation (7), monographie (7), cultural studies (7), histoire (7), public (7), anime (6), reception (6), culture (6), academics (5), sciences humaines (5), transnationalism (5), production (4), anthropologie (4), uses (4), sociologie des médias (4), histoire des médias (4), cinéma (4), theory (4), philosophie (4), globalization (4), academic (3), media (3), japanese audiovisual entertainment industry (3), community (3), audience (3), english (3), users (3), méthode (3), television (3), sociology (3), terrain (3), sociology of technology (3), communauté (3), cinema (2), method (2), transnationalisme (2), france (2), médiologie (2), non-académique (2), history (2), imaginaire (2), média (2), manuel (2), anthropology (2), fandom (2), télévision (2), anthropology of technology (2), identité (2), animation studies (2), industrie japonaise du divertissement audiovisuel (2), japon (2), modernité (2), identity (2), DVD (1), japan (1), usager (1), video games (1), industrie du divertissement audiovisuel (1), japanese entertainment industry (1), sciences politiques (1), analyse de discours (1), japanese audiovisual entertainment (1), sociologie des usages (1), démédiation (1), fieldwork methods (1), pratiques (1), history of technology (1), histoire du cinéma (1), séries TV (1), home cinema (1), jeux vidéo (1), observation directe (1), epistémologie (1), culture populaire (1), industrie culturelle (1), étude des médias (1), audivoisuel (1), propagande (1), ethnographie (1), cutlural studies (1), fiction (1), cultural sociology (1), consumption (1), livre (1), usage (1), video game (1), économie (1), manipulation (1), humanities (1), animation (1), modernity (1), tradition (1), popular culture (1), politique (1), ethnography (1), critique (1), europe (1), art history (1), religion (1), adaptation (1), collection (1), fan (1), film (1), book (1), communication (1), enquête (1), practices (1), series (1), postmodernisme (1), japanese popular culture (1), pratice (1), discours (1), walkman (1), reception studies (1), television studies (1), argumentation (1), rhétorique (1), technology (1), société (1), content analysis (1), mediation (1), user (1), use (1), discourse analysis (1), aesthetic (1), otaku (1), technologie (1), monograph (1), ICT (1), sociologie de la réception (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Feb 25, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Ariane Beldi
Sobre mi biblioteca
This library reflects the direction I take in my academic work and reflexion. I will most probably not publish here books I'm reading just for entertainment.
Sobre mí
I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Media & Communication Studies at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. My research concerns the role played by the DVD, as a digital delivery technology, in the reception of Japanese animated TV series (or animes) in Switzerland. This dissertation topic brings together my interest for the way people use technologies in their daily activities and one of my favorite forms of audiovisual entertainment, animes. Through this study, I'm hoping to show the emergence of new relationships to television programs (series) and to the technologies that constitute the television media in an all-digital era.
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