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Sep 26, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Hazel James
Sobre mi biblioteca
I own a lot of books about sex. Sometimes I check them out from the library too, but the newest and/or most obscure titles tend to be at the main library, and if you check books out there, the security guard looks through them all. It can be mildly embarrassing, so I tend to buy a lot of books about sex. But then the cute clerk at Borders or Powell's or wherever sees what you're buying, and that's mildly embarrassing. I know, I should order books online...
Sobre mí
I live in Chicago. I read a lot of books about sex. A lot of books about other things, too, but this list is meant to go with my Wordpress blog, Almost Touching. My personal life is much less exciting than this list implies. Vulvodynia (vaginal/pelvic pain) is a problem for me. Virginity was for a while, but isn't anymore. Shyness still is.
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