Sobre mi biblioteca
I'm a serial book collector who often gets teased about the fact that I work at a library but still always prefer to buy books. There is just something about having them at my home and seeing them every day. Also the smell and the feel of books is just
Sobre mí
I'm a proud dork. I love all things fantasy and I love all things nature related. I'm never so happy as I am out in the middle of nowhere camping or hiking.

My passions include a variety from Dr. Who to The Walking Dead. I also love graphic novels, Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and have an odd addiction to casual games like Diner Dash.

I currently work at the public library and LOVE it. I also do a lot of art on the side and hope to one day write my own book.

My husband will confirm I'm a total nut job but I'm a nice one so don't be afraid to talk to me.
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