Primeros reseñadoresLinda J. Parisi

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agosto 2022 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Agosto 25 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Series: Blood Rogue (3)

Vampire queen Samira Anai Se-Bat would do anything for her family--even make promises to a clever scientist.

When Samira turns Cordell Stuart into a vampire, it comes with a promise to help find and protect his daughter Kayla. But the queen wants something in return: a cure for Nirvana, the drug being used to create deadly vampire rogues. Cord stumbled on Nirvana while trying to save Kayla's life. He never thought his research would create an army of deadly rogue vampires. Now he is caught between his promise to save a race he neither trusts nor understands, and the need to find and save his daughter.

With Samira's murderous brother Antu pitting vampire factions against each other, war is brewing and Samira is caught between her promise to save Kay and her need to protect her people. But a vision shows both thrones blending into one until they are no more. If Sam follows the vision and sacrifices herself, will Antu subjugate the world? In a race against time and destiny, Sam and Cord figure out what they have to do, and find the cost will be their new found love, possibly their lives. Or will it?

MOBI, EPUB (downloadable via BookSprout or StoryOrigin, free signup required)
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Fantasy, Romance, Fiction and Literature
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City Owl Press (Editorial)
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November 2021 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Noviembre 29 a las 06:00 pm EST

Turn up the heat this holiday season with this sexy collection of gifts from your favorite City and Mystic Owl authors. Each story has been hand-curated by award-winning, bestselling, and debut authors to please lovers of romance in the science fiction and fantasy subgenres. Place it under the tree, in someone's ereader stocking, or give yourself the gift of a few stolen hours of pleasure as you sink into each winter themed happily ever after. From vampires to fairy tale retellings and everything in between, these scorching hot short stories are sure to hit the spot, curl your toes, and fill you with holiday cheer. So stoke the fire, nestle under a blanket, and slip in between the pages with your next new favorite authors.
Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
City Owl Press (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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June 2021 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Junio 28 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Series: Blood Rogue (2)
There is the blood and can only ever be the blood. So, how will love survive in a world of pain? As a Roman gladiator and slave, vampire Hunter Pierce only knew death and destruction. Never love. Dr. Victoria Roberts only knew love and safety, never fear or death, until the day her life was shattered with a home invasion that destroyed her world. Now Hunter and Tori’s worlds collide, with Blood Rogues continuing to menace both human and vampire alike. Tori is in danger and it’s all Hunter’s fault. To keep watch over the clever scientist, the vampire enlists her to aid in finding a cure for Nirvana, the dangerous poison rogue vampires are using to kill. When Tori is kidnapped, Hunter faces his corrupt former master and a race against the clock to save his own life. But can a vampire who has only watched out for himself risk his life, and his immortality, for the love of a human? Can a woman who has lost everything rebuild her shattered heart with a man who thinks he hasn’t got one? Only love, trust, and an Honorable Rogue can save them all.
Fantasy, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
City Owl Press (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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August 2020 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Agosto 31 a las 06:00 pm EDT

Series: Blood Rogue (1)
There is the blood and can only ever be the blood. Vampire Charles Tower never knew anything sweeter than the taste of Stacy Morgan’s lips. He never imagined anything crueler than her being marked for death by the only father he’s ever known. Mikhail reared him. Taught him how to survive. Now he’s gone rogue and it’s up to Charles to put the man down. But can he convince himself, and Stacy, that love between them is impossible? That’s hard to do with a woman like her, especially when she offers herself up as bait. Now they must fight against the centuries-old customs that bar them from being together and the rogue vampire who wants every last drop of Stacy’s blood.
Fantasy, Fiction and Literature
Ofrecido por
City Owl Press (Editorial)
Información del libroPágina LibraryThing de la obra
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