Primeros reseñadoresClint Johnson

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November 2009 Lote

Sorteo terminado: Noviembre 29 a las 06:00 pm EST

Acclaimed Civil War expert Clint Johnson’s scorching, thrilling, and only account of how an undercover team of Confederate officers tried to set fire to New York City on Friday, November 25, 1864… and nearly succeeded. The only book to accurately depict Confederate officers’ plan to set fire to New York City in 1864. More than 130 years before 9/11, a group from the South planned to attack on Northern soil…and had they succeeded, would have completely changed the map of North America as we know it. With Wall Street, the New York Clearing House, import and export businesses, and docks all devastated, the former financial capital would have taken decades to rebuild. Respected author Clint Johnson recreates with frightening detail how theses ardent young Confederate soldiers—along with prominent members of New York City society—a vivid portrait of the lives and the minds of key individuals in the Civil War.
History, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Ofrecido por
Citadel Press (Editorial)
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