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Rabbi Yehuda Amital z”l passed away a couple of years ago. This book is a collection of articles and eulogies that were given after his death and on various memorial events. The title of the book “לעבדך באמת” is taken from the prayer on shabbat, when we ask god to purify our heart in order to “worship him truthfully”. It has been adapted into a popular song which Rabbi Amital used to sing.

To those familiar with Rabbi Amital’s life and ideas, this book does not reveal much. Its strength is in the collection itself, bringing together family, friends, rabbis, students and others to form a complete picture of the great man he was. Over and over again we are told about his unique approach to education, his simple (but definitely not simplistic) approach to life, and his incredible achievements in Torah in the public arena.

The Talmudic saying “חבל על דאבדין ולא משתכחין” – the loss of great ones that cannot be replaced – is certainly appropriate in the case of Rabbi Amital.
ashergabbay | Jun 1, 2012 |