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Pat Young

Autor de I Know Where You Live

14 Obras 41 Miembros 8 Reseñas

Obras de Pat Young


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Until September 11th 2001, I could never understand how people of a certain generation always knew where they were and what they were doing on the day that President John. F. Kennedy was assassinated. With a family member working only a block away from WTC, I can remember September 11th of 16 years ago as if it was yesterday. I can still feel the shock, fear and disbelief as the majestic twin towers collapsed, towers that I had stood before to photograph only the previous September. So I was a little unsure how I would feel about reading a book set around this horrific event, but I had absolutely no cause for concern as Pat Young recreates events with so much grace and compassion in her EXCEPTIONAL debut novel, Till The Dust Settles.

Lucie is in an abusive relationship with her husband, Curtis, and in an attempt to take back control, applies for a job as a cleaner in the World Trade Center. Her job interview is on September 11th 2001 and she's worried about turning up late after applying make-up to cover up the imprint of her husband's hand on her face. For once, the detestable Curtis has saved Lucie's life as by turning up late she is outside WTC when the plane hits. In the confusion and blindness of the dust cloud, Lucie drops her handbag and when she scambles to pick it up, she picks up somebody else's bag. In an attempt to return it, she is mistaken for the bag's owner and she realises that she might have an opportunity to escape Curtis once and for all.

Phew! What a scorching read. I was shocked to find that this is Pat Young's debut novel, it is so impeccably written and she has created such a strong likeable character in Lucie that you root for her from the start. There are so many moments that tug at your heartstrings and I felt completely emotionally invested in the book that I gasped and held in my tears several times over. Lucie may have been a beaten wife but she is so strong underneath and Pat Young has quite a rollercoaster ride in store for her before she even has a chance of her own happy ever after.

Without capitalising on such a tragic event, Pat Young has written an emotional story of hope and new beginnings. Without darkness we wouldn't have light and this story is the perfect example of that. Till the Dust Settles is such an exceptional debut novel and if ever a book is well worth 5 stars, this is it. It makes me wish I had a secret extra star to give to outstanding books such as this. Absolutely superb!

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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Michelle.Ryles | otra reseña | Mar 9, 2020 |
I was greatly impressed with Pat Young's debut, Till the Dust Settles, so I didn't hesitate when presented with the opportunity to join the blog blitz for her second novel, I Know Where You Live. As this is a sequel I would recommend reading Till the Dust Settles first, although you could get away with reading this as a standalone as it might make the story more believable (which I will explain shortly).

Lucie and Dylan are now known as Penny and Seth Gates: identities that have been created to keep them safe whilst in witness protection. They have two children, Angeline and Ethan and have taken the decision to swap Texas for France. After 10 years, surely they're safe now? It is whilst at the airport that they are befriended by stranger, Sophie, and, knowing Lucie/Penny as I thought I did, this is where the story became quite unbelievable as she entrusts this stranger with her children. You're in witness protection, you feel like you're being watched, then you hand your children over to a stranger you meet in an airport! I know it is fiction, but it does need that nugget of possibility to draw the reader into the story which is why I think that someone who hasn't read Till the Dust Settles would perhaps accept the storyline more.

Putting my disbelief to one side, I did get engrossed in the story and Ethan is so unbelievably cute that I was devastated when he was taken. I really felt for Penny and Seth as they struggled with the decision to make a televised appeal that would reveal their identities and put themselves and Angeline in danger.

I love Pat Young's style of writing; I feel like the book is almost speaking to me as she gives each character a unique voice. I loved seeing the transformation from frightened Lucie into happy and secure Penny with her husband and children by her side. I Know Where You Live is a good follow up to Till the Dust Settles but my niggling disbelief meant that it didn't scoop all of the stars like its predecessor.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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Michelle.Ryles | Mar 9, 2020 |
Pat Young is such a talented writer and I am pleased to say that I have read all three of her excellent books. One Perfect Witness is her latest book and I have to say that it completely tugged on my heartstrings, often bringing tears to my eyes, as Charlie struggled to be noticed by his parents.

Charlie totally stole the show as the main character and you can't help but take this young lad to your heart. Now twelve years old, he stopped talking when he was younger and nobody knows why. He is tired of going unnoticed by his parents and he makes a rash decision to steal his father's gun that will have explosive consequences. All of this happens in chapter 1 and with such an amazing jaw dropping ending to an opening chapter, I just had to read on.

Sebastien, meanwhile, is going on an adventure. Swapping sunny Paris for a summer job in wet and windy Scotland, but his mother has a bad feeling about him leaving. A mother's instinct is never wrong and my heart was breaking for Catherine as she tried to locate her son. With someone now assuming Sebastien's identity, Catherine's emotions were put through the wringer as she went from worrying about her son's safety to elation that he was safe but too busy to call her.

Unfortunately, Charlie and Sebastien's paths were destined to cross, albeit briefly, which will change both of their lives forever. Can Charlie ever speak the words that will take Sebastien home?

With an absolutely killer first chapter, One Perfect Witness hooked me from the start. I was willing Charlie to find the strength to speak and put an end to the campaign of terror he was being subjected to. There was a strong sense of family running through the story and I couldn't help but compare Charlie and Sebastien. The love that Sebastien's family had for him was plain for all to see but Charlie felt like he was invisible and that absolutely broke my heart.

One Perfect Witness is another unforgettable book by Pat Young; it's a book that will simultaneously get your heart racing and breaking with the fast paced dysfunctional family storyline.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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Michelle.Ryles | Mar 9, 2020 |
I do enjoy Pat Young books; they are all so varied that I am constantly surprised as to where she gets her ideas from. I haven't missed one of her books yet and I don't intend to do so in the future. I do feel that she took a trip to the dark side in Revenge Runs Deep but in doing so touched on some very important topics, mainly bullying in the workplace. Bullying at work is a whole different beast to bullying at school and can take many forms, many of which aren't physical. Mental bullying is THE absolute worst in my opinion and I applaud Pat Young for choosing to include this subject in her book.

Thomas Smeaton is a vile man; he seems to take great pleasure in making people feel small and inadequate. To make it worse, he works for the council and as one of his targets is cost savings, he's not afraid to make cuts to necessary services; services that the community rely on and services that really make a difference to some people's lives.

It was heartwarming to see how much the trips to the bothy meant to the underprivileged young men who were taken there. It really was changing their lives and keeping them out of trouble. Its closure would put them back on the streets and turning to drink and drugs out of boredom, but all Smeaton sees is a cost he can cut. Smeaton doesn't care about the priceless non-monetary value his service gives to the community and it should make him proud to make such a difference, but this is a man who doesn't give a jot about his own mother.

When Smeaton's victims decide to take matters into their own hands and get their own back on him, some of them are willing to go further than others...but just how far will they go? It made me wonder whether the punishment ever fits the crime when some pain is so deep that forgiving and forgetting is not an option.

Revenge Runs Deep is dark and disturbing but emotionally gripping when the effects of bullying are laid bare and the repercussions can be deadly. I highly recommend all of Pat Young's books, and Revenge Runs Deep is no exception.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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Michelle.Ryles | otra reseña | Mar 9, 2020 |

