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Kevin Wolf

Autor de The Homeplace

5 Obras 45 Miembros 4 Reseñas

Obras de Kevin Wolf


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Chase Ford, former hometown golden boy turned NBA superstar, comes home after 16 years to face demons from the past and those following him now. But not everyone is happy to see him.

Lincoln Kendall is the sheriff who takes advantage of other's tragedies always with the next election in mind. He doesn't like Chase for the simple fact, Chase is the one who stole his glory and his girlfriend in high school. Mercy, the girl everyone wanted, moved away from the small town to find "something else out there" but a divorce and death of her mother has brought her back to take over the diner her mom once ran.

Marty and Birdie were childhood friends of Chase's. Marty now married with 2.5 kids works is a deputy. Birdie, who always had a secret (only to Chase) crush on Chase is now a game warden. A big girl she still plays up her tomboy ways so that no one will guess the truth....too late for that.

Now you would think coming home and facing demons would be enough for a guy to handle but what happens when on his first weekend back 3 people are murdered. One a young high school basketball star not unlike Chase himself...broken home with big dreams. The coach who cared and guided Chase and all his other players to be all that they could be. Dolly, Chase's half-sister that he hasn't met, who loves Jimmy (the basketball star).

I had an inkling of who are killer was just from some of the clues Birdie found at a couple of the locations. The author did do a good job of throwing in other characters to try and muddle the waters a bit. But just something about the killer struck me as odd right from the get go. That is all I am saying for to give a detail or two would give away who the killer is.

An enjoyable read, for some of these background characters are a hoot and a half. Birdie....I so like her. Girls got grit that's for sure. Chase, poor guy, I think after all is said and done he's going to find he'll be alright and find out just where he belongs. Good afternoon read if you are looking for something light with a mystery to it.
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ChachaJ | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 1, 2021 |
With descriptive prose that brings the rural setting vividly to life and a cast of colorful characters, The Homeplace is riveting debut by Kevin Wolf.

The son of a local rancher, Chase Ford's extraordinary abilities on the basketball court gave him the opportunity to leave his small hometown in Colorado behind. Sixteen years after bringing his high school team to a glorious championship victory, his NBA career is over due to a knee injury and his marriage to a country superstar ended in divorce because of his prescription drug addiction to painkillers. Having successfully kicked his drug habit, he is back in Brandon for the weekend while he ties up a few loose ends from his unhappy childhood when the body of high school basketball superstar Jimmy Riley is discovered on a nearby bison ranch. The investigation into Jimmy's death has barely begun when the body of Chase's mentor and beloved basketball Coach Robert Porter's is found by one of the members of the team. Growing more concerned about the unexplained disappearance of Jimmy's girlfriend, Dolly Benavidez, local Sheriff (and Chase's high school nemesis) Lincoln Kendall is convinced Chase is somehow involved with the murders. His childhood friends, Deputy Marty Storm and Game Warden Birdie Hawkins, have complete faith that the timing of the murders is a coincidence but will they uncover the murderer's identity before Kendall's antipathy towards Chase ends with his arrest for the murders?

Despite the town's reverence, Chase does not feel worthy of their adulation. He is rather humble and although he never returned to Brandon after high school graduation, this does not mean he forgot about the small town or its inhabitants. Coming back stirs up old memories of his unhappy and troubled childhood but Chase is determined to make amends for his now deceased father's sins. Reflective and uncomfortable with the strong emotions he feels about the painful events that transpired before leaving town, Chase cannot help but try to find out what happened to Jimmy and Coach Porter. He becomes even more determined to find out who is behind the murders when the truth about Dolly's disappearance emerges. Unlike Sheriff Kendall, Chase has put the events of their shared past behind him, but with town beauty Mercy Saylor resurrecting the old rivalry between them, will Kendall allow his animosity to cloud his judgment?

Luckily for Chase, Marty and Birdie manage to maintain a degree of professionalism that allows them to continue their investigation with much more objectivity than Kendall. Although Birdie has absolutely no use for the arrogant and condescending sheriff, she has no choice but to follow his orders to bring in Ray-Ray Jackson, a small time crook with strong anti-government beliefs. A skilled hunter with a survivalist mindset, Ray-Ray manages to stay one step ahead of Birdie whose tracking abilities and knowledge of the outdoors are on par with the man she is hunting. Marty is as loyal as the day is long and while he is an excellent cop, he is prone to acting before thinking which sometimes puts him in harm's way. Kendall is egotistical and incredibly opportunistic and he never passes up the chance to work any given situation to his benefit. While not exactly a stellar lawman, he unscrupulously takes advantage of other people's hard work to make himself look good.

The investigation into the murders takes many twists and turns as leads fail to pan out and little evidence is uncovered. While Ray-Ray is the most notable person of interest, information about convenience store worker Cecil definitely raises a few eyebrows. With an astounding ability to spin tall tales, he is a rather creepy man who lands on local law enforcement's radar after someone comes forward with a very damning story about him. Birdie remains intrigued by a tantalizing piece of evidence she finds early in the investigation, but will it lead to the discovery of killer? Although Mercy lingers on the periphery for much of the story, her behavior is certainly a little strange as she tries to resurrect her long ago romance with Chase. At the same time, she carries on a flirtation with Kendall that raises a few questions about what she is up to. However, the biggest challenge to the investigation is a sudden change in the weather that leaves local law enforcement scrambling to protect their evidence and bring in suspects for questioning before worsening conditions spread them even thinner than they already are. Will they unmask the killer before he or she strikes again?

A suspense-laden mystery with authentic dialogue and well-drawn characters, The Homeplace is an engaging and fast-paced novel. Kevin Wolf's clever red herrings and misdirects successfully keep the murderer's identity concealed for a good portion of the story. Although it does become apparent who the killer is, the motive for the crime is virtually impossible to guess until the novel's rather dramatic conclusion. All in all, a solid debut that fans of the genre will enjoy.
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kbranfield | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 3, 2020 |
Chase Ford left his small Colorado hometown years ago to play for the NBA. Now his career is over thanks to injury, drugs, and a messy divorce and he has returned home ostensibly to tie up loose ends after the death of his father but also to find a quiet place out of the spotlight where he can lick his wounds. Almost as soon as he arrives, though, three murders occur including a young star basketball player at Chase’ old high school. The town’s sheriff has held a grudge towards Chase since long before he left and would love nothing more than to be able to pin the murders on him.

The Homeplace by author Kevin Wolf is fast-paced, interesting and engrossing, with plenty of action and believable characters. It is both a mystery and a portrait of small-town America struggling to survive. This is Wolf’s first novel but, with the exception of the ending which seemed a little rushed, it is very well-written and kept my interest throughout.
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lostinalibrary | 3 reseñas más. | Nov 18, 2016 |
3.5 Small town heroes. Form this small town in Colorado that distinction belonged to Chase, whom as a senior basketball player brought this small town its only championship. A family tragedy and resulting scandal, left Chase estranged from his father and brought Chase to a closer relationship with his coach. The coach who would help him secure a four year scholarship to a prestigious school, leading to his playing in the NBA, marriage with a country western star and more money than he knew what to do with. A knee injury would end his career, his addiction to pain killer his marriage. Now returning to his home, a place he hopes will help heal him emotionally and mentally, he is instead confronted with three murders, one his beloved coach, another a young woman Chase had never met but is close to him.

The characters that make up a small town, those who left, those who stayed. Friends from the past, enemies, unresolved issues, the young woman he dated in high school who had also returned after a failed marriage. Stuck in time, wanting the glory days back, Mercy regrets everything that has happened since those days. But who would kill these people and why? Well written form the most part, though I did feel some areas in this story were dragged out, especially those concerning Ray Ray, the town outlier. Very much a character driven novel, a novel about past regrets and alternately coming to terms with the past. A novel about a town and those who make it their home.
Lastly, a novel about coming home and what that means.

ARC from Netgalley.
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Beamis12 | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 26, 2016 |


½ 3.6