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I got this from the bookshop "Gay's the Word" in London. About two years ago. I think I've had some kind of depression stopping me from actually reading all the shit I buy or something. Anyway, I've read it now!

Anyway the book was fine, a gay coming out/coming of age story, but nothing special for me. The printing was a bit crap, to be honest - on many pages the letters were out of line with each other.

The first chapter, where one of the main characters loses most of his friendships by attempting suicide at a party, and makes friends with his weird ten-year-old neighbour, was published before the rest of the book as a short story. It kind of shows, mainly because the book doesn't know what to do with the younger kid after that. He becomes a kind of weird sideshow character, turning up from time to time as a kind of secondary (yet interesting enough) drama as the book explores the mystery of his parentage. But it's ultimately folly, he kind of disappears towards the end.

The book switches points of view between two brothers, Alex and James. Alex falls in love and starts dating James's friend Nathen. James works it out, and fortunately isn't a dick about it, but they live in the rural South, so that can't be said for the rest of Alex's friends.

It has a bittersweet ending, and some of the plot points aren't fully resolved, but I think that's indicative of that stage of life. As with some other YA fiction I've read recently, I'm not really the target audience for this one. It can bit hit-and-miss whether I strongly identify with these books or not.
finlaaaay | 11 reseñas más. | Aug 1, 2023 |
A page-turning look at what a family who survives a tragedy goes through. I was completely invested in Sam and how he was going to pull through. I just wish that I felt more emotions in the characters. They all felt kind of the same to me, and I would liked some diverse personalities.
Michelle_PPDB | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 18, 2023 |
Sam Walsh went missing three years ago, presumed kidnapped and gone without a trace. His older sister, Beth, believed he was dead. His best friend, Josh, was wracked with guilt that maybe he could have done something to stop him from being taken. They both worried that they somehow contributed to Sam's disappearance. But when Sam is found alive, their worlds change all over again. While Sam is indeed Sam, his experience and his ordeal have changed him. As Beth and Josh deal with relating to the new Sam, Sam also needs to find a way to adapt to his own new reality. And then there's the age-old question: Do we talk about everything that happened as a means of processing it, or do we keep it all bottled up with the hope that we can just move past it? And the answer may be somewhere in between--a happy medium that is different for all three of them.

Told from the perspectives of Beth and Josh, this is a powerful and poignant story about love, regret, growing up, secrets, trauma, and simply dealing with the realities of life. This is likely to be a challenging read for some, especially considering the truth of what happened to Sam. But the author deals with the subject matter in a real and raw way, while demonstrating a sensitivity to Sam and to the others affected and impacted by the ordeal. There is no quick fix here for anyone. And sometimes we have to open doors when we know we won't like what's on the other side because if we leave the door closed, what's there will simply continue to haunt us. There's a lot for these teenagers to deal with in this story, but there's also a strength that each one of them demonstrates that I can only say is inspiring and instructional.
crtsjffrsn | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2021 |
Wow! Dass man zu einem solchen Thema ein so differenziertes, präzises und feinfühliges Buch schreiben kann, dazu noch spannend witzig und für YA und in Amerika! - absolut großartig.
Anselme | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 12, 2018 |
Welcome to this book review !

This book was super profound, I loved the writing style ! I wanted to read a more psychological book for a while and I heard about this book. People told me it was good or seemed good, so I brought it and I am really happy I did buy it ! It was sad, but happy, I loved the self discovery in this book and the fact that you could see a brotherly bond being repared. I loved seeing Alex ( the younger brother who tried to commit suicide), discover more about himself, accepting himself and how much he hated the pity he could see in everyones eyes since the incident. When I fist started reading it, I thout that James(older brother) was such a douche, like really you don't tell someone, just after they tried to commit suicide, about how stupid they are and a "nutcase"... But as the story advanced you could see everything behind it, the blurry lines in the story became thicker and clearer, making you understand the action each character made. It was overall an amazing book, I loved it and plan on reading it a couple of times again, in the future !
I totally recommend this book !

-Bookarina :)
Karina-Valerie | 11 reseñas más. | May 22, 2015 |
What They Always Tell Us is about two brothers stranded on the divide between being "They" - adults - and "Us" - kids. James is a senior and Alex is a junior and both are struggling to see what their lives will hold for them past high school in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Alex (and his entire family, really) is recovering from a sort-of suicide attempt which has disconnected him from his so-called friends and his brother. Two events help to ignite Alex's interest in life again - he accidentally befriends Henry, the strange 10-year-old who lives across the street, and James' friend Nathen strikes up a friendship through encouraging Alex to join the cross-country team at school. Narration alternates between Alex and James in long contemplative, chapters as they are slowly drawn together again by the mystery surrounding Henry's parentage.

Wilson depicts the feelings and excitment of first love that blossom between Alex and Nathen as well as any author I've read - in this case it just happens to be between two boys. I found the lack of overwhelming angst surrounding the relationship refreshing without being too terribly unrealistic thanks to the boys' realization that they cannot let anyone know about their relationship maybe ever, but certainly not until they leave Alabama. The limited knowledge of the characters was also well conveyed - we never really know the motivations of several secondary characters just as James and Alex wouldn't be able to know their motivations; this means that even though the ending is basically happy, the loose ends aren't all tied up. I did think the secret of Henry's parentage was pretty obvious, but found that a minor flaw. It takes a few chapters to get to know the brothers and to care what happens to them, in part because Wilson's writing keeps us slightly removed. The quiet plot is definitely not action-packed, but this would be perfect for introspective teens and young adults. Overall, I found this highly enjoyable although it's not for every reader - I'm actually surprised it doesn't appear to be on any of the mock award lists I've been looking through.
1 vota
JenJ. | 11 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2013 |
Now, here's a great way to spend weekend afternoons. Once I got into Chapter 3, I could not put down the book. I was really eager to know what would happen next. I could only imagine how difficult it was to get characters that would be well-liked by readers, and Martin Wilson pulled that off. There was enough curiosity to know what would happen to Alex and how his relationship with brother would go. Throw in Nathen, and it made the heart warm to know or half-believe that Alex would be alright eventually.

Even the secondary characters - Clare, Alice and Henry did not get in the way of the story-telling, but helped to make the story better.

I enjoyed reading the book. And proud that I own a copy.
starlight70 | 11 reseñas más. | May 6, 2012 |
James, a high school senior, intelligent and a leading member of the school tennis team, popular at school, his main concern this year is acceptance at his chosen college. He is starting to tire of his home town Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and beginning to see his friends for what they really are, the good or the shallow. He looks forward to next year and making a new start in a new place.

Alex, a high school junior, a year younger than his brother James, bright without excelling like James, now almost friendless following the near fatal and embarrassing incident of his own making at a party at the beginning of term. His one friend is Henry, the weird ten year old lad with vivid red hair from across the street.

Since Alex's incident relations between him and James have been rather awkward, although not as bad as between Alex and his old friends all of whom have deserted him. The story follows the two boys over the course of the academic year: James' guilt at the rift that has developed between his brother, Alex's growing friendship with Henry, James' girlfriends, and Alex being befriended by James' Nathan who persuades to him join the the cross country team.

Nathan, another senior, is Alex's saviour in more ways than one. Nathan's father is from India, his mother English; a close friend of James he is kind, caring and gentle; the occasion he meets Alex when they are both out running marks the start of a new friendship, and for Alex a very different one when eventually Nathan very gently and tenderly seduces him in the showers, much to Alex's delight - the two boys embark on close, intimate but secret relationship.

James has his own problems to contend with, the break up with Clare, his short but disastrous courtship with Alice; and of course his worries about Alex. Both boys worry too about Henry, and the mysteries surrounding him.

Since his friendship with Nathan Alex has been much happier, his family including James are proud of him, but then something happens that threatens to bring it all down. James recognising that something is wrong makes the effort to reestablish his close relationship with Alex, and to do what he can to help.

What They Always Tell Us is a beautiful story about brotherly love and acceptance, about the goodness of genuine kind hearted people. The two brothers are decent boys; over the course of the year they discover who their real friends are, but more importantly they establish a true bond of brotherly love.

It is for the most part well written, perhaps on occasion dwelling a little too much on the humdrum of daily life with little real purpose other than establishing the routine of these comfortably off privileged families. But the characters are well developed, Nathan is delightful, and contrasts with their less ambitious home-boy friends, Alex's ex-friends are shown up in their true less than admirable colours.

Despite the few shortcomings I loved this book, especially the developing relationship between Alex and Nathan, and the strength of the bond between James and Alex and how it is finally achieved
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presto | 11 reseñas más. | Apr 25, 2012 |
I wish it had been written in 1st person. It would have been more personal, I also wanted to really like Alex but he's Q3P4 AHS/Kathleen R
edspicer | 11 reseñas más. | Apr 15, 2012 |
This is a well written tale of changes in the lies of two brothers as they cope with the demands of high school life, friendship, and developing their own identity. Alex is a Junior who is recovering from an apparent suicide attempt that has left him without any friends. Even his older brother, James - a Senior, has abandoned him and is dealing with his own issues of girls and whether he will be accepted at Duke University. The story covers a year in their lives which determines if they each will get back on course. The added complication is Alex's slowly developing realization that he is gay and the impact that has on his budding relationship with a new friend, Nathen. The author handles the issues well and creates an entertaining and moving narrative with his first novel.
jwhenderson | 11 reseñas más. | Nov 24, 2010 |
Reviewed by Randstostipher "tallnlankyrn" Nguyen for

We all have read stories about two siblings who at first get along and then quickly drift apart... with their outcome up to the author. WHAT THEY ALWAYS TELL US has that similar outline; however, Martin Wilson puts his own spin on it and creates a novel more real and even more original than anything else on the shelf currently.

We are introduced to two brothers. First there is James, the older brother who excels in all areas, from academics to athletics. Then there is Alex, who is now considered to be the outsider. Because of an attempted suicide at a party, not only did his friends abandon him but also his brother.

With this incident, James drifts apart from Alex, unsure of what his brother has become. As their life continues, two unlikely people bring them closer together.

First is Henry, the boy next door, who is only ten but has family issues of his own as both parents are hardly there for him. For some odd reason, Alex is drawn to him, wanting to be a guardian toward Henry.

Then there is Nathen, James' friend who notices Alex's interest and potential in running. At first just helping him out, Nathen's bond with Alex turns into something that not even James could have guessed at.

WHAT THEY ALWAYS TELL US is full of heartwarming and breakout scenes that leaves the reader saying one thing: WOW! Certain scenes, such as when Alex confesses his actions and the reconciliation between the brothers, deserve an Oscar for such amazing writing. Martin Wilson develops all four characters in a way that is satisfying, and the chemistry between each of them is so heartfelt.

Words just can't describe how powerful of a read WHAT THEY ALWAYS TELL US is. The only advice I can give you is to pick up the novel and read it (just make sure you have a box of tissues right next to you and an entire free day, because you are not going to want to put this novel down once you start!).
GeniusJen | 11 reseñas más. | Nov 5, 2009 |
It's always a treat for me when I find a book like this one. What They Always Tell Us is a strong, moving story about growing up. James and Alex are brothers living in Alabama, James just wants to get out of the state, while Alex just wants his life to be normal again. The book begins in James' senior year and Alex's junior and we follow them throughout the school year. Martin Wilson splits his story between the two bothers by using alternating chapters with each brother's point of view. In many ways, Wilson's book reminded me of several other extremely well written and thought provoking gay YA books, especially Peter Cameron's Someday This Pain Will Be Useful To You. Wilson doesn't try to sugar coat his story, which follows James as he struggles with his high school friendships, girlfriends and fears about college; and Alex, who must come to terms with his own budding sexuality, a deep depression he tries to overcome and the fears that accompany him when he goes to school. Wilson draws his characters as vivid, real people and I found both James and Alex to be sympathetic people that I identified with. I think that all parents, and teenagers, should read books like Wilson’s because it’s easy to forget that everyone gets depressed, especially in high school. What They Always Tell Us embraces this fact in an uncompromising manner and is better for it. I look forward to reading more of Wilson’s works.
callmecayce | 11 reseñas más. | Jul 1, 2009 |
Alex, a junior in high school, had a pretty decent social life until he decides to try to kill himself at a party. Now shunned by his friends and trying to live in the shadow of his perfect brother James, Alex slowly starts to get back into things when he befriends the 10 year old neighbor boy who doesn't have a father. He's also helped by one of James' friends, Nathen, who becomes his running partner. Soon their relationship develops into something more.
ShellyPYA | 11 reseñas más. | Mar 7, 2009 |
Alex and his brother were always close, but since Alex tried to kill himself a few months ago, things have changed. Even in school, where James is a popular athlete, Alex's friends have abandoned him.

But there are changes in Alex's life: he befriends a new 10-year-old neighbor and, encouraged by one of his brother's friends, joins the track team and discovers things about himself.
lilibrarian | 11 reseñas más. | Apr 5, 2008 |
The Horn Book, v. 84 no5 (September/October 2008) p. 599-600.
sarahannelibrary | 11 reseñas más. | Mar 9, 2009 |
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