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This will be less review and more brain dump on thoughts about the book.

This book stressed me out!

It’s an age gap wlw romance. Half the time I didn’t know whether to root for them or not. The age gap really made me go back and forth on whether all of this was appropriate.

She wants her daughter’s best friend and she wants her best friend’s mom!

For people who were supposed to keep this on the DL, they really struggled with it, and in turn I was clenching my jaw so tight until they came out of the other side “un-scathed” (in this case they were not out-ed)
Donnela | 14 reseñas más. | Apr 30, 2024 |
I was expecting a bit more tension especially concerning the replacing part and the injury. Both didn't really have any effects on the story in the end so I was just expecting something different going into this.

If I had been more aware from the start that they fall into this friends with benefits situation right away I might have had an easier time with my expectations.½
umbaliaG | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 24, 2024 |
Phoebe, an up-and-coming soccer star from middle-of-nowhere America is star-struck when she meets her long-time idol Grace Henderson. Grace, however, can’t be bothered to get close to anyone, let alone another rookie…not after what happened last time. But when they end up on the same Women’s National Team they realize they’re going to have to get along or risk screwing their chances at the World Cup before it even begins.

As the pair grow closer despite their obvious differences, they find their chemistry is undeniable, both on and off the field. But after an injury sidelines Grace and Phoebe is poised to take her place their already rocky friends-with-benefits situation finds itself in a tricky spot. Can Grace see past her own insecurities and actually let Phoebe in? And can Phoebe listen well enough to support Grace in the ways she needs? All while learning how to work together instead of against each other on the field?

Meryl Wilsner does it again! I knew going into this it was going to be a steamy one and this read did not disappoint. But as I’ve come to appreciate with Wilsner’s writing the spicy scenes serve a purpose in the plot and aren’t just forced in. The story and characters would have different outcomes without those scenes and they push the narrative compared to hindering it...

Often in romance, it feels like there’s a trade-off between plot or character development. But Cleat Cute left me with both a high-stakes plot and characters I deeply cared about. And I learned a ton about professional soccer. I did truly believe too that these characters were real because of how well the backstory was woven in. After reading it I wanted to google “Phenom Soccer” or look up Grace Henderson’s many interviews. And it was a bit of a disappointment when I realized I couldn’t but that’s a testament to the quality of writing Meryl gives us.

One of my favorite things about the book is its treatment of lesbianism. I rarely ever see the word “lesbian” even in WLW romance novels so to see two lesbian-identifying characters was so exciting. Not only did we get lesbian-on-lesbian action but we got two vastly different approaches to lesbianism. Phoebe, an out and proud lesbian who weaves being queer into every part of her identity is far more like me. However, Grace is much more reserved in her sexuality. And although she isn’t closeted, her identity does not crop up in her life much more than who she chooses to be with romantically. I know it’s a small aspect of the overall book but having characters that truly feel queer really does elevate the story.

This book is also what I call a queer WLW book. And what I mean by that is the only thing gay about Cleat Cute isn’t just that the lead characters are AFAB and into each other. But there are a variety of queer characters and multiple queer topics are discussed. It is a queer book for queer people and doesn’t try to make its content more “digestible” or heternormative. Which is a huge plus.

All in all, I would definitely recommend Cleat Cute if you like complex opposites attract romance and hot sex scenes. You’ll find yourself relating to both Phoebe and Grace at different times and rooting for them throughout the whole story. Plus there’s a World Cup to win! Happy reading!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for sending this eARC for review consideration. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
the.lesbian.library | 7 reseñas más. | Jan 15, 2024 |
Very taboo subject matter that was handled fairly well. I loved Erin and Cassie, but I couldn't stand Parker as a character until the very end of the book. Solid 4/5.
ddallegretto | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 11, 2024 |
I don’t mind the age gap… but Cassie being 21 is definitely too young for me, like a few other readers, it would have made me more comfy if she was at least 4 or 5 years older. But once I blanked that out of my mind it was pretty good. I’ll saw Parker’s response to the relationship seemed way more mature than she was through the rest of the book. But after that I’m okay with the build up between Emma and Erin.
MiserableFlower | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2023 |
I don’t play soccer, but grew up on the sidelines of soccer fields. All my siblings play soccer competitively, and while I moaned about our life revolving around soccer growing up, today I love a good soccer story. This was an enjoyable romance with interesting and diverse characters. While it took me a bit to get into the story, once I did I really enjoyed it. Now I can’t decide if I’ll pass it on to my sister or hoard it for myself. Either way, I will definitely be recommending it to her and all over my other rom-com reading friends.

Reading if you like:
⚽️Sport romances
⚽️LGBT stories
⚽️Diverse characters
bb.reads | 7 reseñas más. | Oct 21, 2023 |
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilser
Contemporary sapphic (F-F) sports romance. New adult.
Phoebe Matthews gets her greatest wish and is drafted to play soccer on the U.S. Women’s National Team. She develops a crush on the Captain of the team, Grace Henderson, and the two start a relationship as they manage life, career and outside pressures.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook version of this story narrated by Dana Varden and Zim Avaltrades. Each did the chapters from their character POV. The voices are close in tone and rhythm while different enough in pitch that you can hear when the POV changes. Both did a great job portraying a twenty-something female with changing emotions and career concerns.

New adult romance is not a regular genre for me as I don’t appreciate the angst or roller coaster confidence issues. I was pleasantly surprised by the two women and their specific personalities as they kept their professional lives separate from their personal issues. Phoebe kept her joy of playing front and center even while other parts of her life were chaotic.
I would recommend this for any romance reader that likes a bit of sports and teamwork in a story. And passion, because that’s included as well as an hea.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and the publisher.
Madison_Fairbanks | 7 reseñas más. | Sep 19, 2023 |
I think Meryl Wilsner is really finding her groove. This was my favorite of her books so far—all the sexy mutual attraction and steamy romance with much less of the scoffingly implausible scenarios of her previous novels I've read. This one was two hot, dedicated, neurodivergent athletes meeting each other at work! Totally believable!
bibliovermis | 7 reseñas más. | Sep 18, 2023 |
Would have been better if the passion was there? Definitely sloooooow burn.
MiserableFlower | 28 reseñas más. | Sep 17, 2023 |
A lighthearted story about two women who love soccer and maybe each other. Phoebe is ready to make her professional soccer debut and meet some of her heroes, including Grace. Grace is a veteran player who still loves the game but not everything associated with the fame. Phoebe and Grace make a bet that sets off an entire friends with benefits situation, but both find it's not so easy to keep feelings at bay. The neurodivergent rep in this story is so wonderful! Phoebe has undiagnosed ADHD, and Grace is probably autistic. The story itself made me laugh a few times, especially towards the end. There is no third-act breakup which is refreshing. It felt like the writing was a little repetitive and not in a way that showed anxiety. I loved how much soccer was actually integrated into the story since it meant so much to both women. This is the third book by this author I've read and definitely my fave of them.
jazzyjbox | 7 reseñas más. | Sep 15, 2023 |
I have no words for how much this book touched my heart and soul. Thank you SO MUCH to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read this before publication - I just finished it and I still have happy tears running down my face.

Meryl Wilsner has created diverse characters who are as real as your friends, neighbors, and coworkers, flaws and all, and placed them all in a story that - despite being about professional soccer - at its core, is something to which everyone can relate. Soccer is the thing that keeps the story going, but the personal hardships, struggles, and victories are what bring it all together.

As a person with ADHD and anxiety, Phoebe's twist at the three-quarter mark of the book hit home really hard and really accurately. (Granted, I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of four, but the struggles remain the same.) Watching Grace learn to navigate the unfamiliar in so many ways, to learn and adapt in a way that is positive and helpful - Ms. Wilsner, I cannot thank you enough. I felt like you were telling MY story as part of Grace's and Phoebe's.

This book is about so much more than romance. It's friendship, learning to trust again, opening yourself up to new experiences, love in many forms, and a reminder that there are always people in your life who will forever have your back. Cleat Cute is a phenomenal story that I cannot wait to pester my friends to purchase once it's released (after I get a copy for myself, of course!), and it's one you'll want to read again and again. It's finding your place and coming home.
xxMOONLITsky | 7 reseñas más. | Aug 30, 2023 |
This was such a cute book. I listened to it on audio and enjoyed it. I definitely oooh'd and awww'd and "get it together" at parts. It made me laugh and grimace. Overall, I really enjoyed it, a fun read/listen. Loved the LGBTQ+.
Mav-n-Libby | 14 reseñas más. | Jul 17, 2023 |
If you're looking for a good old-fashioned bodice ripping romance with sapphics, this is the book for you.

I loved Erin and Cassie's relationship and how it grew. As an asexual, sometimes the sex scenes were a bit much for me, but i recognize their importance in this particular story.

I spent the second half of the book waiting for Parker to find out, but I wasn't expecting what happened to happen the way it did!

The humor is fantastic and I find that the college age characters really felt like college kids, which was perfect. Overall, a fun adult romance novel!
BarnesBookshelf | 14 reseñas más. | Jun 22, 2023 |
I was a bit let down after SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT, alas.

I was super impressed with the way this wrapped up. The conflict that I expected was inevitable and kind of boring didn't happen, and instead, other conflicts did! But I felt like it all happened so quickly, and as a result the ending didn't quite feel satisfactory. I also struggled to buy the friendships a bit. Parker was a freshman and Cassie a senior, but Parker felt so much younger and I didn't see that being a friendship real enough for Parker to invite Cassie home for Christmas break. Parker was a tad 2D and it didn't seem like she had a lot in common with Cassie other than a mutual best friend, which could have caused more conflict. Otherwise, the actual romance in here was delightful, slow-burning, and did feel real.

Lots of sex scenes in here, again, maybe too many?! I felt like I skimmed 10% of the novel just to get by them, ack, sorry, maybe I'm wasting the best part!
whakaora | 14 reseñas más. | Mar 5, 2023 |
Oh my goodness. This book was not at all overhyped. In fact, it might actually have been underhyped because no words could have prepared me to ship something so hard. I must give a shout out to Emma's love of food firstly. And I must warn anyone thinking about reading this book to only do so if you are not prone to stomach ulcers because holy crow I had butterflies in my tummy practically every second scene. The slow burn build up was absolutely incredible and felt so pure. But I admire most how Wilsner created real conflicts. None of the roadblocks or holdups felt inserted for the sake of conflict. All the misunderstandings and missed cues were believable and real and built character. And those characters were so personable and good. I was very impressed by Jo, and how the boss-assistant romance didn't end up weird. And I really loved learning little things about the film industry. And the support of characters in this book, family and friends and random actress stars, so so good. Ugh. Best romance I've read in a good while. And I read it all in one go without getting distracted, too.
whakaora | 28 reseñas más. | Mar 5, 2023 |
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book. I read a lot of queer books, and I find that the Young Adult genre is doing a great job with diversity and inclusivity, but the Adult Romance genre? Not so much. Diversity is becoming more common, but I still struggle to find queer adult romance novels. (The only other one that really comes to mind is [book:Red, White & Royal Blue|41150487]). So a lesbian novel? about Hollywood? That addresses sexism, racism, and sexual harassment in Hollywood? HELL YEAH!!!

I love the characterizations of Jo and Emma, and the tropes used throughout. I did get a little upset because I thought there was going to be a bad case of Miscommunication (my personal least favorite trope in any media ever; like come on people, talk to each other!) but I turned out to be wrong, and I couldn't have been happier!! I couldn't put this book down, although I will admit I was expecting a little more fake dating thanks to the back-cover blurb.

Frankly, I loved Wilsner's writing, and I look forward to reading more from them in the future! I was stoked to realize they're a Michigan-based writer, and I'm so glad I got an autographed copy!

Edit: I desperately want to both 1. see and 2. own the dresses described in the book. They sound gorgeous.
BarnesBookshelf | 28 reseñas más. | Jan 29, 2023 |
Loved it! The characters really meshed, even as they were dealing with the improbability of their situation. Good move to make Cassie slightly older than Erin's daughter. The relationship was built beautifully. At this point I'm a big fan of the author, even though F/F isn't my go-to.
mktoronto | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 25, 2023 |
Couldn't tell this was a debut novel. I loved the depth of characterization for the h/h and all the people around them. Also mixes in a scathing indictment of celebrity media, sexual harassment, and racism in the film and television industry without ever taking away from the core story of two women falling in love. Can't wait to see what the author comes up with next.
mktoronto | 28 reseñas más. | Jan 25, 2023 |
between 1.5 and 2 stars. there was a lot more explicit sex in this than i expected and while it was hot, there were a few times where it seemed like it was just thrown in, that there was literally no way that would have been what they'd do in the situation they were in. which is my general problem with the book. i really actually liked all of these characters and thought their stories were, well, basically the stories of people i'd happily read about. but the crux of the book's story just didn't fly. there's just no way that erin would risk her relationship with her daughter after just setting it back on track. not for a one night stand. i also don't think that cassie seemed like the type of woman who would lie so much to her friend. still, wilsner did a good job of making an impossible situation feel more possible. but i also really didn't like the way that the women referred to each other - especially considering that they felt they shouldn't be sleeping with the other - and that what they found irresistible in the other woman was her attractiveness. not her humor or intelligence, but that she was just so hot. this relationship was clearly about so much more than that, but it was the focus the author chose to put on it, which annoyed me. and finally, the entire conflict, which the whole book was leading up to, as well as the resolution, was done off page. i didn't need a big explosion or anything, and maybe it's even innovative to do it this way, but it just felt unrealistic all around.

that said, i really did like these characters, they somehow are staying with me in spite of it all, and the sex scenes were fun.
1 vota
overlycriticalelisa | 14 reseñas más. | Jan 13, 2023 |
A solid 4.5 for me. Very enjoyable. It goes on my re-read pile for sure.
amcheri | 28 reseñas más. | Jan 5, 2023 |
A slowest of the slow burn romances between an actress and her PA.

So far as fluffy romance goes, this was pretty cute. I liked both of the main characters and was happy for them when they got together (at the very end).

The author wanted to discuss some pretty big topics here, but unfortunately the execution was pretty heavy handed. It would have been enough to show what they were trying to get across, but instead they decided to explain the obvious to death.

Also, my pet peeve in romance books are conflicts that are completely unnecessary and/or blown out of proportion, which felt like the case here. But I did like the writing style and the characters, so mostly this was an enjoyable read
tuusannuuska | 28 reseñas más. | Dec 1, 2022 |
Good characters, good story line, but all of that watered down with much too much lesbian porn.
MarthaJeanne | 14 reseñas más. | Nov 17, 2022 |
Erin and Cassie pick each other up at a bar. Unbeknownst to them, Erin is the mother of Cassie's college best friend, Parker. Plus there is the 18 year age difference between them. So they know their attraction is wrong on so many levels. Yet they can't keep away from each other. Will the romance survive as they try to keep it a secret from Parker? Will Parker find out? Mistakes Were Made was a fun book. Be prepared from graphic sex scenes, though.
EdGoldberg | 14 reseñas más. | Oct 31, 2022 |
Jo Jones is 41 and Emma Watson's boss. Emma's only 28 so there's a big age difference, but that doesn't stop Emma for having a crush on Jo. Jo feels the same about Emma but feels that an 'old' lady like her has nothing to give a young women. As a result, the crushes go nowhere, or do they?

Read this cute romance and find out. Awaiting Wilsner's next book, Mistakes Were Made.
EdGoldberg | 28 reseñas más. | Oct 24, 2022 |