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Gr 4–7—This stirring debut graphic novel explores the relationship between sisters Lucy and Olivia, who are only 20
months apart and inseparable—until Lucy begins struggling with body dysmorphia. With pitch-perfect prose and
clear digital illustrations, this honest and thoughtful depiction of anorexia and sisterly bonds will resonate with
BackstoryBooks | 9 reseñas más. | Apr 1, 2024 |
grades 4-7
, Printz Honor recipients, a National Book Award shortlisted title, and numerous New York Times bestsellers.
reketa1 | 9 reseñas más. | Dec 7, 2023 |
Really strong story focusing on body dysmorphia and eating disorders, from the point of view of a younger sibling watching her older sister struggle. Particularly good at modeling how to tell if your friends are good for you or are cutting you down. Semi-autobiographical.
jennybeast | 9 reseñas más. | Jun 27, 2023 |
This book belongs on shelves.

Because not only is anorexia a hidden (and not so hidden) demon for many, "Smaller Sister" hits on the fact that it can be genetic. That there is so much of a mental component to the disease. And that you can have many different relationships with food that are just as bad.

Some will have an issue that this book addresses things like missed periods. Guess what? It happens! Some will have issue with seeing underwear (no "lines" or boobs were shown). Guess what? Food disorders change your body.

Smaller Sister tackles friendship (much like Shannon Hale's books or even 'Growing Pangs" which I just read.) The reminder that if you have to change to have friends like you they aren't good friends is SO important, especially in this social media age!
msgabbythelibrarian | 9 reseñas más. | Jun 11, 2023 |
So, I give Smaller Sister a 4, at least. Eating disorders aren’t the main focus. Both sisters struggle when they are 12 ☹️because girls that age are horrible to each other. The family moves a couple of times so changing schools was hard. The message is to be yourself, like yourself, and you will find your people and your true self.
cathy.lemann | 9 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2023 |
Lucy is only twenty months younger than her sister Olivia, and while they fight sometimes, they usually make up; they even have a secret sister code, which they use to write notes back and forth. But when their mom and dad announce the girls are changing schools, and Olivia is pulled away from her close-knit group of friends, her eating disorder worsens quickly. Lucy does her best to navigate the new school, make new friends, and deal with life at home as she's dragged along to Olivia's many doctor's appointments for anorexia nervosa. When the family moves from Indianapolis to Massachusetts - an even bigger change - both Olivia and Lucy have a hard time with it. Ultimately, Olivia continues to work toward health, and Lucy develops new friendships and confidence at theater camp.


Just when I was sure the old Olivia, the sister I had before the eating disorder and the new schools and the big move, was gone forever....She came back. (181)

"I was just looking at myself in the mirror."
"Mm-hmm. I think you were being HARD on yourself in the mirror." (Lucy and camp counselor Pamela, 286)

"Every person has a body, Luce. No matter what size you are, you can only get so much bigger or so much smaller. If you're constantly worried about making yourself thinner, then you're defined by something that is literally the opposite of growth." (Pamela, 289)

None of my friends from camp went to my school, but just the fact they existed was a reminder that there were people out there in the world that were a fit for me.... When I looked in the mirror, it was the same old me looking back. But I was just a little more okay with who I saw. (302-3)
JennyArch | 9 reseñas más. | Feb 4, 2023 |
Smaller Sister is graphic novel that communicates the importance of sisterhood and self-awareness. I think this book would be a great addition to Health Education classes. It highlights a variety of pressures that pre-teens and teens face in their lives at school and home. As many other readers have stated in their reviews, this book and its themes are necessary for young readers.

Full review posted at
Jaleesa_RBTBC | 9 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2022 |
I wasn’t expecting this book to have such depth and to wield it well in its narrative. It took me through the emotions of watching someone you love battle with an eating disorder and how easy it could be to succumb to one yourself. But it wasn’t depressing. There’s lovable sisterhood, middle school drama, and the relatable awkwardness of growing up. I think this is perfect for middle school readers or anyone really.
DestDest | 9 reseñas más. | Oct 17, 2022 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | 9 reseñas más. | Sep 15, 2022 |
I know some would argue that graphic novels don’t count as actual reading, however, if you want a perfect example of just how wrong those people are, this would be it. The depth of story and emotion found in Smaller Sister’s powerhouse combination of writing and illustrations is comparable to any great novel.

I thought this was so well done, from the pacing to the heartbreaking struggles and the inspiring growth of these girls, and there was an added poignancy every once in a while when you’d catch a glimpse of what the mom is going through as well, the focus is mainly on youngest daughter, Lucy, yet the author does a fantastic job of relaying the effect that eating disorders and self-esteem issues inflict on this entire family.

There’s a realism to the emotions and situations in this one that is undoubtedly difficult to read at times, but there are also warm fuzzy bits of sisterhood and ultimately some supportive friends every girl should be blessed to find. That lifelike balance between darkness and hope helped make Smaller Sister one of my favorite reads of the year so far.
SJGirl | 9 reseñas más. | Aug 1, 2022 |
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