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Done, Finally. Gonna get the IDW Collected edition anyway. Unless wokie Campbel ruins it for me before we come to this issue.
cwebb | Mar 11, 2024 |
It's really fun to dive into the TMNT universe again. But what I'm NOT looking forward to is Sophie Campbell - she can't draw faces. At all. Yuck.½
cwebb | Aug 21, 2023 |
Silent Hill is and always will be one of my favourite video game series/film/graphic novel franchise, it is just as good as Resident Evil. It is one of the best survival horror video games series ever made.

This graphic novels is similar to the volume 1 omnibus (which is a collection of short stories or a graphic of a series of comic books in one book) I read all of it today, it was good but I was a bit disappointed yet again by the lack of use of the creatures from silent hill, the mythology or well known characters in the series of video games.
I would rather read an graphic novel adaptation of the video games since there aren't already novelizations of their first three games that have been published, so it would be nice if they were republished in English, since I would like to read them! I don't really like the way the omnibuses are put together, they both contain random stories that are connected to Silent Hill directly, which is annoying.
I would have enjoyed reading the omnibuses more if, the nurses, pyramid head or the other lesser known creatures were in the graphic novel, it would have made it more entertaining to read, since they were only in one or two of the stories.
I did however lie the last story since it was based on the videogame Silent Hill: Downpour which is a good game, some of the plot was different but I liked reading this story. Pyramid head, the nurses and some type of zombie dog similar to the zombie dogs from resident evil were in the first story, but if they were in the graphic novel more often then, I would have liked this, it's annoying that this series and resident evil aren't scary anymore, it's just bland and mediocre.
The second story was okay, but I don't understand how the stories or characters in either omnibus volumes 1 or 2 are connected, so I find it annoying that there are not any reoccurring characters that I like or know about, that would have made it more interesting. Even though it's disappointing to read, I guess people should appreciate that there even is an omnibus graphic novel of Silent Hill graphic novels after the video game franchise getting butchered and now cancelled after the Silent Hill playable teaser P.T. was briefly made available, so I will never get the chance to play that!
It would be nice to see a graphic novel based on the video game franchise sometime in the future, because it is really creepy, a lot is not really explained well or at all in the videogames, so more detail could be added in a series of novelizations or graphic novels.
This is obviously a must have instant buy type of item if you are a huge fan of Silent Hill like me, but don't expect to see pyramid head or the nurses on every other page, because you will not be satisfied, you may even be disappointed unfortunately.
EvilCreature | otra reseña | Sep 17, 2022 |
This was a very fun read for any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters fan! I loved how there were so many little "Easter eggs" such as Bebop & Rocksteady, Erma, Channel 6 News van; Staypuff Marshmallow Man, even little stills from the old TMNT Gameboy game I was obsessed with as a kid. The writing was funny and had me laughing with inside humor.
Jazz1987 | Aug 27, 2022 |
Bebop and Rocksteady destroy everything! Awesome!

The rest of the book is not the best stretch of TMNT, the universe stuff is short but fun, the other thread drags on a bit...
cwebb | Aug 24, 2022 |
The lovely people on r/graphicnovels, and one particular individual who had this to say about them: So far, the humor seems to be a modernized witty homage to the original. It’s not over the top 80’s “cowabunga” all the time, but it’s not cringy like Michael Bay’s take.
Which does sounds right up my ally! And let's be honest, I have been experiencing FOMO because looking at the series on other people's shelf... they look too gorgeous.
Jonesy_now | otra reseña | Sep 24, 2021 |
Die Mutanimals sind ein sehr guter Start in diesen Band. Casey und April am Ende dann eher schwach. Zum Glück gibt es dazwischen mit dem Tod von Shredder ein absolutes Highlight der Serie bisher.

Macht absolut Lust auf mehr...½
cwebb | Sep 15, 2021 |
Enjoyed this.
Artwork great.
Worried about the story when it appeared to just be a list of their enemies but then we got some action.
Lillian_Francis | otra reseña | Jul 26, 2021 |
That was a good book. The story is very present to the world we live in today. Although it takes place in a futuristic planet far away the story is easy to read. The characters are straight forward and the story plays out well. I look forward to the next volume of this story.

I read this book via NetGalley. I thank them for this book. #NetGalley
Kurt.Rocourt | Jun 14, 2021 |
cwebb | Mar 1, 2021 |
Enjoyed this.
Artwork great.
Worried about the story when it appeared to just be a list of their enemies but then we got some action.
Lillian_Francis | otra reseña | Feb 24, 2021 |
Very nice collection. I liked all the story arcs this time.
cwebb | Jan 25, 2021 |
War Band 2 teilweise etwas mühsam und zu SciFi-lastig mit Krang, so geht es in Band 3 munterst weiter mit klassischen Ninja-Problemen.

Ein Highlight. Gleich zu Beginn das Annual ist super, gezeichnet im Stil der ersten Serie. Der Stil taucht auch in späteren Heften/Geschichten auf.

Leonordo wird gebrainwashed und kämpft gegen den Rest der TMNT.

Und wir begegnen zum ersten Mal Bebop und Rocksteady! Oh yeah.
cwebb | Nov 18, 2020 |
These three stories that depict the dangers and consequences of war are gritty and this is reflected in the artwork. I understand that these kinds of stories are important but with the stories set in an unnamed country with characters that aren't full formed and hard to connect with I found myself underwhelmed. The last story 'Convent' definitely has the most emotional resonance here.
scout101 | Sep 15, 2020 |
I took a good long whie reading this, I really wanted to enjoy every part of it. And I did. It's a wonderful story and yes, I still love the Turtles.
cwebb | otra reseña | Apr 23, 2020 |
An awesome continuation to the first volume! I'm loving this reboot of the series. Highly recommend TMNT fans read this :)
rabidgummibear | otra reseña | Nov 28, 2018 |
Wow! I think I spent most of my time reading this with my mouth half open in awe of the amazingness of this series.
I fell in love with the darker side of the turtles in this volume. I laughed at the references to the old cartoon being called lame. Because lets face it they were kind of lame.

This trade starts at the beginning of the relaunch of the series. We learn about their origins of the turtles and splinter. Also get introduced to April and Casey.

The plot starts up 15 months after the accident that released them and mutated them. They are searching for their brother who they were separated from after the accident. With multiple flashbacks of sorts to the accident and lead up to it all in between their search.

I can't wait to read the next trade in this series!
rabidgummibear | 3 reseñas más. | Nov 28, 2018 |
There were ninja turtles in it so that's definitely some points. This reboot starts with 3 of the turtles looking for their missing brother Raphael. As they search, we learn how they became mutants and how they lost their brother. The character of the different turtles didn't shine through much, mostly because there was very little dialogue. I don't think that'll stop me from reading more because NINJA TURTLES. Also I'm giving some point for this graphic novel requiring no prior knowledge of the TMNTs to understand it.
lwright01 | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2018 |
Everything from the first two volumes of this fun reimagining come to a head in this volume.

Last time, their home was destroyed and their father was taken. Now the brothers must stop fighting with each other to get Splinter back. Enter Shredder to throw a wrench in things.
tjavierb | otra reseña | Jan 26, 2018 |
A fun revamp of the shellheads. Designed for older fans, but still open enough for new readers.
tjavierb | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 26, 2018 |
Mysterious ninjas, old rivalries, and the idea of reincarnation? Yep, this volume has them all! The series continues to be a fun, light read with heart.
tjavierb | otra reseña | Jan 25, 2018 |
Library Merit: Great
Characterization: Good
Recommended: Recommended
Level: Upper Elementary

It is the colliding of worlds (literally) in this series opener that joins the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Ghostbusters. Both exist in different worlds, but then a mishap with an experimental teleporter takes them to another world. Not only do they encounter a diabolic ghost, but also the Ghostbusters. This is a great set up for the series. You don't see a lot of interaction between the two, but it will be interesting to see how they will get along. And maybe I am reading too much into it, but it felt as though the artwork for the two different groups was just slightly different. Not by much, but just a little with style. Hopefully, I am not reading too much into, but that would be great if it were true. It would cement the fact that they are from two different worlds and even look that way as well. But this was a fun read that any fan would enjoy.
SWONroyal | Jun 8, 2017 |
Cathartic Reading: As a longtime Silent Hill fan (since the original) I needed a fix to overcome the disappointing issues plaguing game publisher Konami: Silent Hills for PS4 promised to be awesome (involvement with Guillermo del Toro and Norman Reedus-walking dead actor). Then it got abruptly cancelled. I turned to Silent Hill Omnibus and Silent Hill Omnibus, Volume 2 to satiate my need to roam thru a ghost town.

The Silent Hill Omnibus omnibus #2 comprises 3 more installments of the comic adaptions for the Silent Hill game franchise from Konami. It contains the full versions of:
1) Silent Hill: Sinner's Reward
2) Silent Hill: Past Life
3) Silent Hill Downpour: Anne's Story

Like #1, this Omnibus is true to the canon/style of Silent Hill. The art in this one is more clear and understandable, yet remaining "weird" in a good way. Expect cameos from your favorite creatures; characters always being drawn into a ghost town to confront their past. The last two installments provide some extension of background story for the Postman and Anne featured in the game Downpour. On the whole, the story lines rely too heavily on adultery & murder (some variation would be nice), but they are well written.

The comics will not replace what-could-have-been the experience promised in Silent Hills (plural, the game), but they are a worthy part of the "Hill." Recommended for Hill fans.
SELindberg | otra reseña | Mar 27, 2016 |
I know that Eastman co-created the Ninja Turtles and to purists, it may be his illustrations, or nothing. I disagree. I'm absolutely in love with the illustrators they've been hiring for this reboot series, and I love Dan Duncan in particular. He's got a very streamlined style, very cartoony, and it fits because this isn't as violent as the original.

Not that they shy away from violence, or grittiness, there was just a more laissez faire attitude towards killing people. Not so much here. Due to the reincarnation angle, and the slight shift in Splinter being ultra-pacisfict, this makes sense.

I'm reading these out of order, so I knew some of the outcome of this volume. It didn't make it any less fun. Watching the four brothers - and they are reincarnated brothers in this series - is a whole lot of fun. Watching them lost, as they search for their father, brings a sense of urgency to this volume. It's a nice mixture of banter, and action, and sometimes both are fit into scenes, or even panels.

What can I say? I continue to like the origin story, the real life issues they touch upon, and I like how the Foot Clan is realistic - in that people notice them, notice that they're dragging the neighborhood down, and try to do something about it. I always thought people going, oh, nope, nothing to see here, no invisible type ninjas that cameras can't catch was a little unrealistic.

I look forward to reading more of this series, as well as the original series, and anything else I can get my hands on that's similar.
All_Hail_Grimlock | otra reseña | Oct 25, 2015 |