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This is the first biography I've read about Mother Teresa.

The writing itself is rather dry and the content is not terribly personal or in-depth - it's just a very broad, vague overview of Teresa's life.

The most interesting part was actually reading about the process of canonization which convinced me even further that I strongly disagree with the Catholic church on so many issues.

As far as Mother Teresa herself is concerned, I found the following quote of hers (included in chapter four) to be rather disconcerting, as it is so deeply in conflict with the Christian faith: "I do convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu, a better Catholic, a better Muslim, or Jain or Buddhist."

I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley.
RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
Interesting. Not easy to understand, but I think I grasped most of it. We seldom touch on religious mysticism in churches I've been in, and I think the author has explanations for why that is.
MarkLacy | May 29, 2022 |
Godlust is the Original Sin, says the author, our desire to be like God corrupted into a lust to become God. We try to do this by devouring God's qualities, such as Truth, Good, and Beauty, but only end up corrupting these qualities as well.
StFrancisofAssisi | May 31, 2019 |
Covers lots, most, or all the arguments on both sides of the pro-animal and vegetarian/vegan issues.
vegetarian | otra reseña | Apr 26, 2013 |
Amazon writes: 'The choice of whether or not to consume animals is more than merely a dietary one. It frequently reflects deep ethical commitments or religious convictions that serve as the bedrock of an entire lifestyle. Proponents of vegetarianism frequently infuriate nonvegetarians, who feel that they're being morally condemned because of what they choose to eat. Vegetarians are frequently infuriated by what they consider to be the nonvegetarians' disregard for the environment and animal-suffering. Vegetarianism: A Guide for the Perplexed offers a much needed survey of the different arguments offered by ethical vegetarians and their critics. In a rigorous but accessible manner, the author scrutinizes the strengths and weaknesses of arguments in defense of vegetarianism based on compassion, rights, interests, eco-feminism, environmentalism, anthrocentrism, and religion. Authors examined include Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Carol J. Adams, and Kathryn Paxton George.As the global climate crisis worsens, population increases, and fossil fuels disappear, ethical and public policy questions about the ethics of diet will become ever more urgent. This book is a useful resource for thinking through the questions.'
vegetarian | otra reseña | Jul 21, 2012 |
Publication Date: April 1, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0826424937 | ISBN-13: 978-0826424938 | Edition: 1

"This title moves beyond the polemics to present an overview of atheism that is rigorous yet accessible. Interest in atheism has surged since the 'New Atheism' trinity of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens launched their attack on religious belief. Their militant, in-your-face style has delighted readers who are already nonbelievers and infuriated theists, and in the process made them best-selling authors. But the cost of their approach is that the current cultural and intellectual dialogue about atheism frequently generates more heat than light: acrimony replaces reasoned investigation, polemic overpowers philosophical analysis, and too often the outcome is confusion rather than truth. "Atheism: A Guide for the Perplexed" moves beyond the polemics to present an overview of atheism that is rigorous but still accessible to the educated layperson as well as the undergraduate student in philosophy and theology courses. After a preliminary investigation of what atheists mean when they use the words 'atheism' and 'God' - a much more complex investigation than one might suspect - the book explores the differences and similarities between 'old' and 'new' atheism; places atheism of either variety in context by examining the naturalistic worldview that grounds it; provides a short historical sketch of atheism; examines a number of arguments against God-belief; investigates whether an atheist worldview is consistent with ethics and a sense of purposefulness; asks is an atheist 'spirituality' is possible; inquires into whether the current militancy against religious belief is pertinent or a red herring; and, concludes with a few suggestions for continued dialogue between believers and nonbelievers. The goal throughout is to present a balanced, non-partisan introduction to the worldview, principles, and arguments of atheism that highlights the positions strengths as well as its weaknesses. "Continuum's Guides for the Perplexed" are clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers and subjects that students and readers can find especially challenging - or indeed downright bewildering. Concentrating specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to grasp, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas, guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of demanding material."
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vegetarian | Jul 21, 2012 |
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societystf | Jun 28, 2022 |
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