Imagen del autor

Anne B. Walsh

Autor de A Widow in Waiting

20 Obras 105 Miembros 12 Reseñas 2 Preferidas

Sobre El Autor

Incluye el nombre: Ann B Walsh

Créditos de la imagen: Taken at the Phipps Garden Center, Pittsburgh, PA.


Obras de Anne B. Walsh


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Walsh, Anne B.
Fecha de fallecimiento
I'm not dead yet!
Lugar de nacimiento
Pennsylvania, USA
Lugares de residencia
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Administrative assistant (secretary)
Biografía breve
Anne B. Walsh has been telling stories as long as she can remember, but it took her twenty years to realize it could be a source of income as well as a hobby. She began in fan fiction with the ongoing Harry Potter alternate universe known as the Dangerverse, then branched out into originals with a historical fantasy set in 1780's Britain, "A Widow in Waiting". Her current projects include the second in this series, "Playing with Fire", as well as the final installment in the Dangerverse, "Surpassing Danger", and a personal anthology of feline-centric sci-fi and fantasy stories, "Cat Tales".



I'm always a little nervous when it comes to volumes of short stories. They are usually so variable. Such was the case here.

I really enjoyed "Glorious Song of Old". It is about a young girl named Carol who has grown up in a world where music is banned. She has vague memories of music and has a talent for it so she feels a great longing for this forbidden fruit. A traveling exhibit of aliens comes to her dark and depressing world and she finds a kindred spirit ... and then some. This story struck a chord with me.

"The Angel and the Rose" is a costumed Christmas wedding with quite a twist. Interesting, but not quite my style.

I couldn't even find a story in "Laeti Triumphantes". Seems like something is missing, perhaps?
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chazzarcturus | Jul 14, 2013 |
Vani is a charming, innocent, and lovely young lady who is destined to be the wife of the king. Oh, and she was also kidnapped as an infant and raised as a slave in a world of magic. She has much to learn in a short time before she is introduced at court and she needs the strength and talents of her friends and family to succeed as well as to discover where her heart lies.

Vani's naïveté and her sheltered upbringing provide a nice balance to her determination and abilities which makes the story plausible. She is a very endearing character and I found myself wanting to be able to help her achieve her fortune. The other characters are also very carefully detailed, whether tyrannical or nurturing. While the story does contain many characters, they all serve a purpose to the plot.

I would recommend this story for teens and above; the length of the text as well as the reading level may be above the ability of younger readers. It did take longer than usual to immerse myself in the plot--the first three chapters lay a lot of groundwork that appears unconnected--which is why I give it only four stars. I look forward to more books in this series.
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chazzarcturus | otra reseña | Apr 19, 2013 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita para Sorteo de miembros LibraryThing.
I LOVED this book! The story of Eleanor/Nora/Noreen is filled with adventure and likable heroes as well as those villians we do not care for. Eleanor finds herself with a chance to escape from her controlling husband. Taking that chance changes her life in more ways than one. Her father and his friend want to know the truth about how her husband died- she is just glad to be free of him and waits for the next chapter of her life to begin. Throughout this time she meets and makes several new friends, however, we also get to see life in the small town where her husband died. It is an interesting story to follow, with all of the high society drama as well as the small village and "gypsy" lifestyle. I enjoyed this book very much and look forward to reading more by Anne Walsh!

*I received my copy for free in exchange for an honest review.
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bburke79 | 8 reseñas más. | Mar 28, 2013 |
I'm giving this book two stars, with a caveat (see below)


The Idea: Brilliant! I gasped at the ending. It’s clever, intricate, unlike anything I remember reading.

The Plot: Despite a few minor holes, the plot moves the reader along, through action and a well-thought out world. It was a pleasure to visit Ms. Walsh's imagination. She has a knack for creating a unique universe.


Length: Sweet Baby Jebuz, WAY too long. At 116,000 words (per the author), is far exceeds the industry standard for a YA novel (50,000 to 70,000). Lengthy internal monologues, redundant scenes, stories within the story stretching pages – to quote Strunk and White, Omit Needless Words. And by my count, needless words comprise half this book. The other option – separate the story into two books. The first few chapters, when Vani first comes to the Palace, should be its own story anyway. By not exploring Vani’s reunion with her parents, the emotional climax didn't hold me at all.

Characters: Too many. I understand, due to plot (which I won't spoil), there will be a greater number than normal amount of characters. However, at least 3, maybe 5 could be omitted or combined and the story would be better for it.

Show and Tell: The characters spent more time telling the reader about themselves then showing. It was tedious and made it hard to connect with them. Instead of the character talking to themselves about how other characters are this or that – show me. Show me through action, plot, scene – not internal yammering. I never felt Vani’s relationships because I was told she had them, rarely shown - particularly in the beginning.

Conclusion: With serious revision, this will be a fantastic book. The structure is there, the world, the concept – it is a solid foundation with a wickedly clever twist. While I cannot recommend this book in its current state, I should be glad to once it undergoes the mentioned edits. My caveat for two stars is this: once fixed, this is surely a four or five star book.

I received this book free as part of LibraryThing’s Early Reviewer Program in exchange for my fair and honest review.
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empress8411 | otra reseña | Mar 26, 2013 |



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