Fotografía de autor
6 Obras 22 Miembros 1 Reseña


The description of this book caught my attention. How interesting to have the celebrity doing the stalking. Usually you hear about celebrities being the victim. I saw it was included in the Kindle Unlimited program and selected it.
I like the author character Sally, with all her imperfections. I don’t mind when a character has flaws. I feel like it can make them more realistic than a perfect character who becomes a victim. Sally is dealing with getting older, writing her next book, depression and a one night stand with a celebrity who has psychological problems. He was definitely good for her ego, being fifteen years her junior and good looking. Unfortunately, as can happen with couples that have age gaps, she feels the age difference and she is ready to leave him behind. The celebrity, Tom, has a very different take on it though. He is convinced that they are meant to be together.
I really liked how this brought up some issues. I know age difference couples who do very well together. Usually one of them is spiritually on par with the younger, or more often, the older partner. I also know of couples who just needed to have the fling and move on. As I read this book I was thinking of many of these couples and how it would have worked, or not, if they were famous.
That was the draw for me. We all have had or do have a celebrity crush, (Johnny Depp for me). This book taps into that dream. Being a lifelong reader, another dream was being an award winning author. I was all up for the story. It worked for me for the most part. The middle of the book had times when the pace slowed. I prefer an even pace.
Sally’s family plays a big part in the story. I loved how supportive they were. I also liked the relationship with Sally and her sister. Sally’s friends and an old boyfriend also are a part of her support system. For Tom, we get his bodyguard, his assistant, a brother and a girlfriend. I was ambivalent about most of them, on both sides. I liked Omar until he totally ticked me off.
The stalking was crazy but then I started thinking about money, fame, how it can change you, and the fans who often are led by their feelings and perhaps dreams. It was easy to see how a celebrity could orchestrate this level of stalking. It was also easy for me to see how someone already prone to depression could fall so quickly by being stalked in a very public way.
There is a mystery to be solved in the last part of the book. This was where things got a bit weak. I felt like the author was suddenly tossing in characters just to have additional suspects. I did however keep reading and I was still tossing between suspects when the reveal came. I thought the book was more dramatic fiction with touches of thriller and mystery in it. It is for these reasons that I am giving the book a rounded up to 4 stars, (actual rating was 3.5 stars). It was a good first book. I would read another book by this author.
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |