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J.P. Touzeau

Autor de Woman Without Fear

2 Obras 8 Miembros 1 Reseña

Obras de J.P. Touzeau

Woman Without Fear (2015) 7 copias


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(ARC was provided to read and review.)

Trinity Silverman suffers from constant anxiety and panic attacks and it makes her life a misery and she's very unhappy and depressed. Her job doesn't help either, at the moment she's in Las Vegas and has to talk in front of several stock market sharks during a conference.
One evening she meets a man in a bar and turns out, he's a scientist and claims to have found the solution to all her problems. His research has let to the development of a pill which should enable her to overcome all fear. He offers to give her seven of them, which would mean, she can go through with the conference week without any further panic attacks.

The hope for a couple of days without being constantly at edge and so tense, that she's short of breath, is tempting enough for Trinity to go with this man she just met into his hotel room.
She gets the pills and the moment she starts taking them, her life changes. She is able to confront her self-centered boyfriend, her bullying mother, her demanding boss and a broker who tries to ridicule her during one of her talks.
She's even able to chat up a guy in the such same bar a couple of evenings later, something which would be unthinkable without the wonder pills.
But there's a price to pay for everything. Will she get addicted to the pills? Are there unexpected side effects? What has the wonder drug for her in store?

The book is obviously the start to a series (so far 5 volumes have been published in France), which should be made more clear, as there's a cliffhanger at the end and several questions stay unanswered. Still, I found the plot interesting enough to finish it in just two settings.

But what makes Woman Without Fear unique, that's a little "sidekick", who is for me the real star.
I admit, he's not your typical hero. He doesn't speak a single word during the whole story and sadly he's nearly blind, but at least he's got an amazing sense of smell, which is sometimes even a bit frightening. He is a rather slimy character and the worst thing, he leaves constantly a lot of mucus. Yuk!
Meet Speedy, Trinity's pet snail. The way the author lets him interact with her and the others and particularly, when we get the snails point of view or better point of smell, it's brilliant. You can't help, but get completely attached to the little guy.

The twist at the end was quite unexpected and surprising and has me definitely hooked for the sequel, but most of all, I'm a Speedy fan and can't wait to find out, how he "cracks" on.
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MasterReadersBooks | May 31, 2015 |

