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Ah, the anthology. Always a mixed blessing.

It's very typical to find every anthology—whether single or multiple author—a rollercoaster of quality. Some are gonna be great, some are gonna be shit, and then there's the majority in the middle that good enough to be considered okay, but not great enough to be remembered much past the last sentence is read.

There's not a lot of groundbreaking work here, and much of the time I felt two things. First, that the authors could have, in most cases, pushed a bit harder to bring the horror, and second, that the Canadian locales, while fun, seemed only namechecked to get qualify it for this antho. I found that very few drew directly from the Canadian area mentioned, that it was just a setting, not the only possible setting.

But, if I'm honest, that could likely be said about most horror settings. I mean, hell, the Overlook could have been set in the mountains of British Columbia with a bit of tweaking.

Maybe I'm asking too much, but when the antho is titled Canadian Dreadful...

Overall, though, it's good. Not fantastic, but good. My two favourites were [a:Pat Flewwelling|6964502|Pat Flewwelling|]'s Nowhere Time and [a:Nancy Kilpatrick|26935|Nancy Kilpatrick|]'s Snow Angel.
TobinElliott | Sep 3, 2021 |